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[Facts] Re-married-What's MY KIDS last name?
I am a widow of 2 yrs and am 34 yrs old. I have 3 kids and have met another widow who I think I will eventually marry. One, of many issues, is what my children's last name will become. I can't imagine them growing up (currently ages 6-girl,5-boy & 2-girl yrs)with a different name then me, yet I understand the importance of keeping their father's last name. Please share your thoughts with me :) Thanks.
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Have a family meeting. Have the new husband explain to the kids that he loves them very much and would like to adopt them as his own, and give them his last name. (This is the part to make them feel wanted and belonged.) But that it is their choice, and that if they choose to keep their present last names, in memory of their father, that would be perfectly fine, and he would love them just the same. He just wants to make them happy. (This is the part to eleviate guilt and obligation.)
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The middlename solutionI am not much for middlenames but this time it seems to be the solution. Simply give your children an extra surname and let them keep the old one as a middlename.
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