[Facts] News flash! BtN is recommended by the folks at Oxford University :)
I recently corresponded by e-mail with the "Lexicon of Personal Greek Names" project of Oxford University, requesting etymological references for Greek names. Here is an excerpt of their reply:
"....You should be able to find something useful in:
Bechtel, Friedrich (1917), Die historischen Personennnamen des
Griechischen (Halle )
and perhaps also:
Pape, W. & G. E. Benseler (1862-70), Wörterbuch der griechischen
Eigennamen (Braunschweig).
There is also, on Homeric names:
Kamptz, Hans von (1982), Homerische Personennamen (Goettingen).
As far as the web is concerned I myself usually recommend the much more general
which gives etymologies for names...."
"....You should be able to find something useful in:
Bechtel, Friedrich (1917), Die historischen Personennnamen des
Griechischen (Halle )
and perhaps also:
Pape, W. & G. E. Benseler (1862-70), Wörterbuch der griechischen
Eigennamen (Braunschweig).
There is also, on Homeric names:
Kamptz, Hans von (1982), Homerische Personennamen (Goettingen).
As far as the web is concerned I myself usually recommend the much more general
which gives etymologies for names...."
Wow, that's quite an honour! Thanks for passing it along.
BTW, how's your website coming along?
BTW, how's your website coming along?
I was thrilled too :)
The site is still in the pre-drawing board stage :P
The site is still in the pre-drawing board stage :P
Congratulations, Mike! Hey, can we negotiate a bigger raise now? ;)
Sure! How about I double your salary? ;)
Kewl! I'm gonna buy me a virtual house in the Bahamas!