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[Facts] News flash! BtN is recommended by the folks at Oxford University :)
I recently corresponded by e-mail with the "Lexicon of Personal Greek Names" project of Oxford University, requesting etymological references for Greek names. Here is an excerpt of their reply:"....You should be able to find something useful in:Bechtel, Friedrich (1917), Die historischen Personennnamen des
Griechischen (Halle )and perhaps also:Pape, W. & G. E. Benseler (1862-70), Wörterbuch der griechischen
Eigennamen (Braunschweig).There is also, on Homeric names:Kamptz, Hans von (1982), Homerische Personennamen (Goettingen).As far as the web is concerned I myself usually recommend the much more generalhttp://www.behindthename.comwhich gives etymologies for names...."
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Wow, that's quite an honour! Thanks for passing it along.BTW, how's your website coming along?
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I was thrilled too :)
The site is still in the pre-drawing board stage :P
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Congratulations, Mike! Hey, can we negotiate a bigger raise now? ;)
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Sure! How about I double your salary? ;)
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Kewl! I'm gonna buy me a virtual house in the Bahamas!
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