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The F Family (3)
previous round:⭐️IMG-4176This will be one big family where will try to find unusual names for the namebank. I encourage you to use the less common names!
They have six daughters. The big namebank might be overwhelming so you could make it a count-along CAF ( Dulcie Abolene Hero Blossie Adeliza Elvetia Boudicca Sheba Adolphine Mehetabel Huldah Brunetta Emerence Adnah Hildegarde Brunhilde Aeddan Enriqueta Camelia Aida Ianthe Candace Theodosia Emeralda Alcedie Mercy Casiphia Innoncence Aldyth Wrenny Esther Cinderella Alida Keturah Clelia Ethelberga Aline Cleopatra Leonora Almatina Eugenia Clio Oenone Alwen Clytie Eulalia Vashti Loveday Ambrosine Corah Amiable Fortituda Corisande Andrewina Luetta Damaris Fuchsia Araminta Querina Desdemona Lyra Viva Aretas Glenara Delhi Avarina Delilah Golda Avis Maple Dinorah Zelmira Ayliffe Guadalupe Donaldina Bethalina Merelina Romana Dulcibelle Hebe Venua Amira Oceana Venus Lucretia Polymnia Etheline Ismena Blythe Alphonsine Lauretta Unity Eldridge Crissada Augusta Tryphena Saxonia Snowdrop Olympia Christabel Euphemia Benedicta Octavia Pathenia
formerly Belphoebe⭐️I am in the mood
to dissolve
in the sky.
- Virginia Woolf

This message was edited 1/8/2025, 6:06 AM

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DH: Xanthos Caryste Fotopoulos
DW: Nyx Hermione (Franklin) FotopoulosDS1: Neoptolemos Archander Fotopoulos "Ptolemos"
-DW: Eglantina Danja (Jetnor) Fotopoulos
-DD: Golda Loveday Fotopoulos
-DD: Ismena Venus Fotopoulos
-DD: Hebe Snowdrop Fotopoulos
-DD: Clelia Oceana Fotopoulos
-DD: Hero Ambrosine Fotopoulos
-DD: Aida Leonora FotopoulosDS2: Aristateus Adonis Fotopoulos "Theo"
-DW: Klarisa Leontina (Redion) FotopoulosDS3: Alexanor Pluto Fotopoulos "Xan"
-DW: Livia Antoneta (Genta) FotopoulosDD1: Euphrosyne Amalthea (Fotopoulos) Sokol "Sina"
-DH: Lazar SokolDS4: Cephiro Apollón Fotopoulos "Hiro"
-DW: Edina Valentina (Dardan) FotopoulosDD2: Pyronia Ismene (Fotopoulos) Dibra "Nia"
-DH: Bashkim Xhafer DibraDD3: Liriope Ariadne (Fotopoulos) Ramazan "Lyra"
-DH: Luan Gjergj Ramazan DD4: Melpomene Electra (Fotopoulos) Gramos "Pomene"
-DH: Adis Ismail GramosDD5: Nemesis Cleta (Fotopoulos) Kastriot "Sissi"
-DH: Leonit Majk Kastriot
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DH: Evander Chaos Fern
DW: Hestia Arachne [Fallon] FernDS1: Aristaeus Hades Fern
DS2: Damon Leander Fern
DS3: Apollo Alexandros Fern
DD1: Calliope Nyx Fern
DS4: Talos Nestor Fern
DD2: Rhea Zephyria Fern
DD3: Electra Galatee Fern
DD4: Cassiopeia Danae Fern
DD5: Echione Sparta FernEvander and Hestia Fern
Ari, Damon, Apollo, Callie, Talos, Rhea, Electra, Cassie, and Echo
~~DS1: Aristaeus Hades Fern
DW: Lumiana Klarisa [Diamant] FernDD: Adolphine Enriqueta Fern
DD: Mercy Ethelberga Fern
DD: Clytie Ambrosine Fern
DD: Querina Lyra Fern
DD: Avarina Dinorah Fern
DD: Bethalina Hebe FernAri and Lumi Fern
Dolly, Mercy, Clytie, Querina, Avarina, and Beth
~~DS2: Damon Leander Sander-Fern
DH: Elton Albion Sander-FernDamon and Elton Sander-Fern~~DS3: Apollo Alexandros Fern
DW: Rozalinde Edera [Bato] FernApollo and Rozie Fern~~DD1: Calliope Nyx [Fern] Dash
DH: Edmond Roland DashCallie and Edmond Dash~~DS4: Talos Nestor Fern
DW: Aleksia Valentina [Skender] FernTalos and Aleksia Fern~~DD2: Rhea Zephyria Lazar-Fern
DW: Danja Fioreta Lazar-FernRhea and Danja Lazar-FernDD3: Electra Galatee [Fern] Milot
DH: Emiljano Kristofer MilotElectra and Emiljano Milot~~DD4: Cassiopeia Danae [Fern] Edison
DH: Jahmir Robert EdisonCassie and Jahmir Edison~~DD5: Echione Sparta Edon-Fern
DW: Andronika Briselda Edon-FernEcho and Andie Edon-Fern
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LN: FernsbyDH: Tryton Alcander "Tryo" Fernsby III
DW: Lyssa Helena [Frith] FernsbyDS1: Tryton Alcander "Tally" Fernsby IV
-DW: Vera Gjenovefa [Dibra] Fernsby
--DD: Theodosia Lyra Fernsby
--DD: Leonora Ianthe Fernsby
--DD: Alida Loveday Fernsby
--DD: Octavia Mercy Fernsby
--DD: Eulalia Christabel Fernsby
--DD: Boudicca Esther FernsbyDS2: Evander Perseus Fernsby
-DW: Livia Valentina [Florian] FernsbyDS3: Neoptolemos Damon "Neo" Fernsby
-DH: Kristofer Elton LazarDD1: Gaia Chrysopelia [Fernsby] Edison
-DH: Robert Roland EdisonDS4: Xanthus Nestor "Xan" Fernsby
-DW: Gladiola Aida "Gladdie" [Klaud] FernsbyDD2: Aletheia Ismene [Fernsby] Milot
-DH: Edmond Franc MilotDD3: Theona Hippolyta Fernsby-Dibra
-DH: Enriko Gjulian DibraDD4: Zephyria Irene [Fernsby] Jahmir
-DH: Remzi Ismail JahmirDD5: Danae Hestia Fernsby
-DH: Alfred Ardian Dash
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DH: Kairos Jason Fay
DW: Jinx Artemis FayDS1: Achelous Triton Cobaj-Fay
-DH: Thoma Stilianos Cobaj-Fay
--DD: Amira Adolphine Cobaj-Fay
--DD: Blythe Ambrosine Cobaj-Fay
--DD/DD: Cleopatra Desdemona Cobaj-Fay “Cleo”/ Christabel Ianthe Cobaj-Fay “Christa”
--DD: Dulcie Leonora Cobaj-Fay
--DD: Eulalia Mehetabel Cobaj-Fay “Lia”DS2: Ceyx Evander Osman-Fay
-DH: Eduard Lirian Osman-FayDS3: Damos Geryon Fay
-DW: Gentiana Arbënore Fay (nee Karaj)DD1: Asteria Pasiphaë Zela (nee Fay)
-DH: Pirro Erion ZelaDS4: Hermes Alexanor Fay
-DW: Adea Rozalindë Fay (nee Albion)DD2: Britomart Helena Bajrami (nee Fay) “Brit”
-DH: Ilion Kristo BajramiDD3: Cleta Arachne Cela-Fay
-DW: Andronika Marigo Cela-FayDD4: Daeira Penelope Huso (nee Fay) “Dae”
-DH: Patriot Florin HusoDD5: Echione Nemesis Morina-Fay “Echo”
-DW: Rina Amaris Morina-FayKairos & Jinx Fay: Achelous, Ceyx, Damos, Asteria, Hermes, Brit, Cleta, Dae, & Echo
Achelous & Thoma Cobaj-Fay: Amira, Blythe, Cleo, Christa, Dulcie, & Lia
Ceyx & Eduard Osman-Fay
Damos & Gentiana Fay
Asteria & Pirro Zela
Hermes & Adea Fay
Brti & Ilion Bajrami
Cleta & Andronika Cela-Fay
Dae & Patriot Huso
Echo & Rina Morina-Fay
vote up1
DH: Damon Leander Fairlight
DW: Irene Achiroë “Irie” FolkestoneDS1: Jason Alexanor “Alex” Fairlight
DS2: Evander MorpheusVan” Fairlight
DS3: Aristée Geryon “Aris” Fairlight
DD1: Helena Sophrosyne “Sosie” Fairlight
DS4: Perseus Mélissé “Percy” Fairlight
DD2: Theona Galatée “Theo” Fairlight
DD3: Euphrosyne Britomart “Effie” Fairlight
DD4: Nyx Achiroë “Nyxie” Fairlight
DD5: Liriope Aero “Lirio” Fairlight🏛🏛🏛DS1: Jason Alexanor “Alex” Fairlight
DW: Fiora Artemisa “Fio” AlberinaDD1: Hero Candace Hildegarde Fairlight
DD2: Aida Casiphia Guadalupe Fairlight
DD3: Vashti Snowdrop Cleopatra Fairlight
DD4: Venus Fuchsia Loveday Fairlight
DD5: Sheba Delhi Sacramenta Fairlight
DD6: Octavia Esther Boudicca Fairlight🏺DS2: Evander MorpheusVan” Fairlight
DW: Megi Floriana Arifi🏺DS3: Aristée Geryon “Aris” Fairlight
DH: Alfred Granit Hoxha🏺DD1: Helena Sophrosyne “Sosie” Fairlight

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The Furukawa Family!The Furukawa FamilyH: Damon Midas Furukawa
W: Isse Arachne (Fujita) FurukawaS1: Jason Adrastos Furukawa
S2: Perseus Damos Furukawa, "Percy"
S3: Evander Nestor Furukawa
D1: Cynthia Danae Furukawa, "Cindy"
S4: Geryon Adonis Furukawa
D2: Irene Ariadne (Furukawa) Dibra
D3: Gaia Nemesis (Furukawa) Brahimi
D4: Circe Nyx (Furukawa) Ramazan
D5: Theona Psyche (Furukawa) Edison
_________S1: Jason
W: Aida Gentiana (Dionisi) FurukawaD1: Esther Glenara Furukawa
D2: Aline Cleopatra Furukawa
D3: Amira Mehetabel Furukawa
D4: Delilah Corisande Furukawa, "Lilah"
D5: Theodosia Venus Furukawa, "Thea"
D6: Candace Octavia Furukawa, "Candy"

_________S2: Percy
W: Hira Isida (Hana) Furukawa
_________S3: Evander
H: Lirian Rrok Prifti
_________D1: Cindy
W: Valentina Dita Florian, "Tina"
_________S4: Geryon
W: Amaris Floreta Ismail Arian
_________D2: Irene
H: Artor Florenc Dibra
_________D3: Gaia
H: Remzi Vinçens Brahimi
_________D4: Circe
H: Rafet Isaku Ramazan, "Rafi"
_________D5: Theona
H: Alfred Denis Edison, "Alfie"
vote up1
DH: Alcander Caryste "Al" Fortescue
DW: Chrysosandalaimopotichthonia "Toni" FreudDS1: Xanthos Aristaeus "Xander" Fortescue
DS2: Tylos Neoptolemos "Ty" Fortescue
DS3: Mélissé Alcander "Mel" Fortescue
DD1: Pyronia Carya "Pippa" Fortescue
DS4: Dionysos Geryon "Denny" Fortescue
DD2: Caliadne Gaia "Cali" Fortescue
DD3: Ismene Celusa "Mimi" Fortescue
DD4: Chrysopelia Rhea "Chrissy" Fortescue
DD5: Sophrosyne Clytie "Phronsie" Fortescue***
DS1: Xanthos Aristaeus "Xander" Fortescue
DW: Fiora Gentiana NikovičDD: Clelia Viva Fortescue
DD: Merelina Blythe Fortescue
DD: Glenara Corah Fortescue
DD: Aldyth Tryphena Fortescue
DD: Zelmira Dulcie Fortescue
DD: Vashti Romana Fortescue***
DS2: Tylos Neoptolemos "Ty" Fortescue
DH: Enriko Gramos "Rik" Shalen***
DS3: Mélissé Alcander "Mel" Fortescue
DW: Arbenore Livia "Nora" Xhenson***
DD1: Pyronia Carya "Pippa" Fortescue
DH: Kostandin Tomë "Gus" Zagreda***
DS4: Dionysos Geryon "Denny" Fortescue
DW: Danya Briselda Remzi***
DD2: Caliadne Gaia "Cali" Fortescue
DH: Emiliano Artor Bajrami***
DD3: Ismene Celusa "Mimi" Fortescue
DH: Roland Klaud Besfort***
DD4: Chrysopelia Rhea "Chrissy" Fortescue
DW: Gjenovefa Elisa Karavella***
DD5: Sophrosyne Clytie "Phronsie" Fortescue
DH: Robert Leonit Morina
vote up1
DH: Myles Damos Favero
DW: Lilaea Sparta (nee. Francinek) Favero
DS1: Evander Apollón
DW: Dranafile Mamica (nee. Hoxha) FaveroDD: Golda Adeliza
DD: Augusta Hero
DD: Leonora Mercy
DD: Eugenia Alwen
DD: Theodosia Oenone
DD: Alida Loveday***
DS2: Leander Helios Favero
DW: Mimoza Floriana (nee. Prifti) Favero
DS3: Alexander Adrastos Favero
DW: Violeta Gentiana (nee. Shehu) Favero
DD1: Theona Galatée (nee. Favero) Egzon
DH: Eduard Adem Egzon
DS4: Nestor Aristaeus Favero
DW: Emela Lumiana (nee. Dibra) Favero
DD2: Artemis Ismene (nee. Favero) Dhimitër
DH: Konstandin Lirian Dhimitër
DD3: Séléné Pasiphaë (nee. Favero) Ardian
DH: Skënder Edmond Ardian
DD4: Penelope Ariadne (nee. Favero) Korab
DH: Elton Jozef Korab
DD5: Helena Calliope Favero
DBF: Bashkin Rafet Sokol
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DH: Cephiro Nestor Franc
DW: Carya Acantha [Fespin] Franc
DS1: Geryon Apollón Franc
-DW: Kristela Marigo [Prifti] Franc
-DD1: Maple Ambrosine Franc
-DD2 (twin): Clora Loveday Franc
-DD3 (twin): Clelia Snowdrop Franc
-DD4: Ianthe Alcedie Franc
-DD5: Amira Casiphia Franc
-DD6: Olympia Emerence Franc
DS2: Achelous Myles Franc
-DH: Adis Leonit Konsandin
DS3: Kairos Alexanor Franc
-DW: Vera Edina Besnik-Franc
DD1: Elara Adastrea [Franc] Hoxha
-DH: Albion Ismail Hoxha
DS4: Pluto Narcissus Franc
-DW: Livia Clarisa [Granit] Franc
DD2: Lilaea Atlantia Franc
-DW: Dafina Bedrie [Gentius] Franc
DD3: Hippolyta Ismene [Franc] Osman
-DH: Lazar Edison Osman
DD4: Cleona Psyche Luzon-Franc
-DH: Aulon Diamant Lulzim-Franc
DD5: Asteria Circe Franc
-DBF: Elton Dash Calros
vote up1
DH: Aristée Céfiro Fontenot
DW: Lilaea Clytemnestra [Neoptolemos] FontenotDS1: Phaeax Alcander Fontenot
- DW: Atifete Zeqiraj Fontenot
- DD: Boudicca Adolphine Fontenot
- DD: Brunhilde Candace Fontenot
- DD: Aldyth Aline Fontenot
- DD: Clytie Corah Fontenot
- DD: Fortituda Viva Fontenot
- DD: Sacramenta Ayliffe Fontenot

DS2: Mélissé Adonis Fontenot
- DW: Edera Alizoti FontenotDS3: Apollón Ixiom Fontenot
- DW: Gjenovefa ZhuzhumiDD1: Galatée Alexirrhoe [Fontenot] Leskaj
- DH: Çerçiz LeskajDS4: Alexanor Damos Fontenot
- DW: Marigo Prifti FontenotDD2: Asterope Danae [Fontenot] Hoxha
- DH: Kastriot HoxhaDD3: Cephiso Séléné Mërtiri-Fontenot
- DW: Amaris Mërtiri-FontenotDD4: Achiroë Echidna [Fontenot] Llapashtica
- DH: Dhimitër Llapashtica DD5: Chrysosandalaimopotichthonia [Fontenot] Nerënxa
- DH: Ramazan NerënxaAristée and Lilaea with Phaeax, Mélissé, Apollón, Galatée, Alexanor, Asterope, Cephiso, Achiroë, and Chrysosandalaimopotichthonia
- Phaeax and Atifete with Boudicca, Brunhilde, Aldyth, Clytie, Fortituda, and Sacramenta
- Mélissé and Edera
- Apollón and Gjenovefa
- Galatée and Çerçiz
- Alexanor and Marigo
- Asterope and Kastriot
- Cephiso and Amaris
- Achiroë and Dhimitër
- Chrysosandalaimopotichthonia and Ramazan
vote up1
DH: Cephiro Evander Ford
DW: Helena Adraste Ford nee Robbins
DS1: Xanthos Achilles Ford
DS2: Leander Alexandros Ford
DS3: Kairos Jason Ford
DD1: Mnemosyne Melpomene Ford
DS4: Apollo Nestor Ford
DD2: Cassiopeia Danae Ford
DD3: Artemis Hippolyta Ford
DD4: Electra Selena Ford
DD5: Atalanta Caliadne FordCephiro & Helena
Xanthos | Leander | Kairos | Mnemosyne | Apollo | Cassiopeia | Electra | Atalanta*****DS1: Xanthos Achilles Ford
DW: Kristela Eloiza Ford nee Ramiz
DD1: Blythe Almatina Ford
DD2: Loveday Sacramenta Ford
DD3: Candace Octavia Ford
DD4: Innocence Alphonsine Ford
DD5: Hero Mehetabel Ford

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DH: Nestor Narcissus Floros
DW: Rhea Irene FoleyDS: Zeus Alexander Floros
— DH: Milot Redion Demiraj
— DD: Keturah Christabel Demiraj-Floros
— DD: Merelina Hero Demiraj-Floros
— DD: Eugenia Esther Demiraj-Floros
— DD: Theodosia Aline Demiraj-Floros
— DD: Leonora Maple Demiraj-Floros
— DD: Alida Vashti Demiraj-FlorosDS: Leander Jason Floros
— DW: Edina Pinellopi Zeqiri DS: Apollo Damon Floros
— DW: Emela Çelike Mehmeti DD: Ismene Larissa Floros
— DW: Valentina Lumiana Tahiri DS: Evander Chaos Floros
— DW: Briselda Amaris Vuthaj DD: Gaia Penelope Floros
— DH: Jahmir Denis Xhemaili DD: Hermione Elara Floros
— DH: Bajo Jozef Gjata DD: Calliope Danae Floros
— DW: Antoneta Redina Krasniqi DD: Atlas Antigone Floros
— DH: Suad Bashkim Zajmi
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LN: Falkenrath
DH: Hades Archander
DW: Euphrosyne Hestia DS1: Neoptolemus Ixiom
DS2: Dionysus Talos
DS3: Mélissé Adrastos
DD1: Pyronia Sophrosyne
DS4: Céfiro Phaeax
DD2: Echinda Britomart
DD3: Stillbe Chrysosandalaimopotichthonia
DD4: Galatée Urania
DD5: Liriope Erato
Hades + Euphrosyne || Neoptolemus, Dionysus, Mélissé, Pyronia, Céfiro, Echinda, Stillbe, Galatée & Liriope
DS1: Neoptolemus Ixiom Falkenrath
DW: Gentiana Briselda KetaDD1: Venua Loveday
DD2: Oenone Ambrosine
DD3: Amiable Emeralda
DD4: Snowdrop Sacramenta
DD5: Eldridge Dulcibelle
DD6: Wrenny Euphemia
Neoptolemus + Gentiana || Venua, Oenone, Amiable, Snowdrop, Eldridge & Wrenny
DS2: Dionysus Talos Falkenrath
DW: Lumiana Pinellopi Troplini
Dionysus + Lumiana
DS3: Mélissé Adrastos Falkenrath
DW: Gladiola Bedrie Tusha
Mélissé + Gladiola
DD1: Pyronia Sophrosyne Falkenrath
DH: Milot Klodjan Rexha
Pyronia + Milot
DS4: Céfiro Phaeax Falkenrath
DW: Dranafile Blediana Bajrami
Céfiro + Dranafile
DD2: Echinda Britomart Falkenrath
DH: Xhenson Rafet Zyla
Echinda + Xhenson
DD3: Stillbe Chrysosandalaimopotichthonia Falkenrath
DH: Remzi Idhomene Alizoti
Stillbe + Remzi
DD4: Galatée Urania Falkenrath
DH: Flamur Nosh Pampuri
Galatée + Flamur
DD5: Liriope Erato Falkenrath
DH: Stilianos Jetnor Robo
Liriope + Stilianos
vote up1
FerrerMidas Apollo Ferrer
Séléné Zephyria Farago*
Apollón Ixiom Ferrer
Vera Rozalindë Agalliu Vashti Ambrosine
Venus Ianthe
Boudicca Loveday
Hero Ismena
Octavia Aida
Fuschia Emerence
Geryon Leander Ferrer m. Pirro Vincens Markaj
Talos Aristaeus Ferrer m. Valentina Amantia Nivica
Isse Euphrosyne Ferrer m. Klauda Andronika Dallku
Céfiro Triton Ferrer m. Celike Isida Laska
Elara Achiroë Ferrer m. Naim Ramazan Veliaj
Galatée Erato Ferrer m. Gaspër Sokol Starova
Liriope Ismene Ferrer m. Suad Leonit Qerimi
Thebe Hippolyta Ferrer m. Thoma Ilion Lucaj
vote up1
DH: Aristée Céfiro Fontenot
DW: Lilaea Clytemnestra [Neoptolemos] FontenotDS1: Phaeax Alcander Fontenot
- DW: Atifete Zeqiraj Fontenot
- DD: Lyra Enriqueta Fontenot
- DD: Crissada Mehetabel Fontenot
- DD: Casiphia Aline Fontenot
- DD: Corisande Eulalia Fontenot
- DD: Aida Fortituda Fontenot
- DD: Avis Sacramenta Fontenot

DS2: Mélissé Adonis Fontenot
- DW: Edera Alizoti FontenotDS3: Apollón Ixiom Fontenot
- DW: Gjenovefa ZhuzhumiDD1: Galatée Alexirrhoe [Fontenot] Leskaj
- DH: Çerçiz LeskajDS4: Alexanor Damos Fontenot
- DW: Marigo Prifti FontenotDD2: Asterope Danae [Fontenot] Hoxha
- DH: Kastriot HoxhaDD3: Cephiso Séléné Mërtiri-Fontenot
- DW: Amaris Mërtiri-FontenotDD4: Achiroë Echidna [Fontenot] Llapashtica
- DH: Dhimitër Llapashtica DD5: Chrysosandalaimopotichthonia [Fontenot] Nerënxa
- DH: Ramazan NerënxaAristée and Lilaea with Phaeax, Mélissé, Apollón, Galatée, Alexanor, Asterope, Cephiso, Achiroë, and Chrysosandalaimopotichthonia
- Phaeax and Atifete with Lyra, Crissada, Casiphia, Corisande, Aida, and Avis
- Mélissé and Edera
- Apollón and Gjenovefa
- Galatée and Çerçiz
- Alexanor and Marigo
- Asterope and Kastriot
- Cephiso and Amaris
- Achiroë and Dhimitër
- Chrysosandalaimopotichthonia and Ramazan
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LN: Fox
DH: Geryon Morpheus Fox
DW: Ariadne Larissa FoxDS1: Perseus Jason Fox "Percy"
-DW: Marigo Floriana (Vasil) Fox
—DD: Dulcie Abolene Fox
—DD: Adeliza Mehetabel Fox
—DD: Camelia Alida Fox
—DD: Keturah Leonora Fox
—DD: Araminta Glenara Fox “Minty”
—DD: Euphemia Blythe Fox “Effie”DS2: Kairos Evander Fox "Kai"
-DW: Livia Dafine (Milot) FoxDS3: Leander Myles Fox "Lee"
-DW: Kristela Valentina (Edison) FoxDD1: Cassiopeia Selena (Fox) Elton "Cass"
-DH: Dash Vinçens EltonDS4: Damon Aristaeus Fox
-DW: Arisa Violeta (Edmond) FoxDD2: Aletheia Danae (Fox) Edison
-DH: Patriot Robert EdisonDD3: Ismene Helena (Fox) Osman
-DH: Denis Kristo OsmanDD4: Elara Artemis (Fox) Vasil
-DH: Alesio Eduard VasilDD5: Thebe Antigone (Fox) Milot
-DH: Arbor Jozef Milot
vote up1
DH: Helios Phaeax Firesias
DW: Callithea Nemesis FiresiasDS1: Alexandros Achilles
DS2: Evander Caryste
DS3: Kairos Apollón
DD1: Calliphaea Circe
DS4: Perseus Aristaeus
DD2: Cassiopeia Lilaea
DD3: Pasiphaë Asteria
DD4: Aletheia Penelope
DD5: Cleio AphroditeHelios & Callithea Firesias: Alexandros, Evander, Kairos, Calliphaea, Perseus, Cassiopeia, Pasiphaë, Aletheia, & Cleio Firesias--DH: Alexandros Achilles Firesias
DW: Eda Atifete [Aroka] FiresiasDD: Augusta Corisande
DD: Avarina Romana
DD: Camelia Avis
DD: Olympia Aretas
DD: Cleopatra Venus
DD: Emeralda IsmenaAlexandros & Eda Firesias: Augusta, Avarina, Camelia, Olympia, Cleopatra, & Emeralda Firesias
__DH: Evander Caryste Firesias
DW: Amaris Edona Gerados__
DH: Kairos Apollón Firesias
DW: Marigo Isida Dorne__DW: Calliphaea Circe Firesias
DH: Kristofor Bato Issae_DH: Perseus Aristaeus Firesias
DH: Alteo Tedi Greco_
DW: Cassiopeia Lilaea Firesias
DH: Elis Kastriot Baelor_
DW: Pasiphaë Asteria Firesias
DH: Sandër Milot Tereza_
DW: Aletheia Penelope Firesias
DW: Eloiza Valentina Meride_
DW: Cleio Aphrodite Firesias
DW: Artemisia Dafina Helo

This message was edited 1/8/2025, 6:24 PM

vote up1
DH: Jason Leander Fawley
DW: Alexandra Danae Freeman Fawley "Alex"DS1: Evander Zeus Fawley "Evan"
DS2: Myles Alexandros Fawley
DS3: Apollo Narcissus Fawley
DD1: Helena Callithea Fawley "Lena"
DS4: Perseus Damon Fawley "Percy"
DD2: Elara Cleio Fawley
DD3: Rhea Larissa Fawley
DD4: Asteria Irene Fawley
DD5: Lilaea Cassiopeia Fawley--
DS1: Evander Zeus Fawley "Evan"
DW: Eloiza Kristela Kadri Fawley "Ellie"DD: Theodosia Maple Fawley "Thea"
DD: Araminta Camelia Fawley "Minty"
DD: Dulcibelle Emeralda Fawley "Dulcie"
DD: Euphemia Lyra Fawley "Phemie"
DD: Adeliza Blythe Fawley "Liza"
DD: Leonora Emerence Fawley "Nora"--
DS2: Myles Alexandros Fawley
DW: Violeta Klarisa Lazar Fawley--
DS3: Apollo Narcissus Fawley
DW: Aleksia Danja Nosh Fawley--
DD1: Helena Callithea Fawley Dibra "Lena"
DH: Ilion Arbor Dibra--
DS4: Perseus Damon Fawley "Percy"
DW: Ariela Fiora Besfort Fawley--
DD2: Elara Cleio Fawley Denis
DH: Leonit Vasil Denis "Leo"--
DD3: Rhea Larissa Fawley Hoxha
DH: Lirian Jozef Hoxha--
DD4: Asteria Irene Fawley Prifti
DH: Florian Ismail Prifti--
DD5: Lilaea Cassiopeia Fawley Shehu
DH: Admir Robert Shehu
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Cephiro Zeus ❤️ Astraea Galatée
Dionysos Alexanor
Céfiro Nestor “Nestor”
Morpheus Perseus
Atlas Larissa & Talos Narcissus
Pelopea Lyssa
Cassiphone Aletheia
Calliope Arachne “Arachne”
Gaia Helena [Cephiro & Astraea || Dionysos, Nestor, Morpheus, Atlas & Talos, Pelopea, Cassiphone, Arachne, Gaia]⭐️THE FLOROS FAMILY
Dionysos Alexanor ❤️ Genta Adea (née Milot)
Hildegarde Bethalina
Emeralda Mercy
Clelia Alwen
Viva Andrewina & Delhi Avarina
Delilah Bethalina “Bethalina”[Dionysus & Genta || Hildegarde, Emeralda, Clelia & Viva, Delhi, Bethalina]
Céfiro Nestor “Nestor” ❤️ Amaris Livia “Rissa” (née Kadri)[Nestor & Rissa]
Morpheus Perseus ❤️ Erza Rozalindë (née Kostandin) [Morpheus & Erza]
Atlas Larissa ❤️ Kristo Xhafer [Atlas & Kristo]
Talos Narcissus ❤️ Gjenovefa Floriana “Efa” (née Erion) [Talos & Efa]
Pelopea Lyssa ❤️ Patriot Dritan Thoma [Pelopea & Patriot]
Cassiphone Aletheia ❤️ Edon Alesio[Cassiphone & Edon]
Calliope Arachne “Arachne” ❤️ Alteo Florin[Arachne & Alteo]
Gaia Helena ❤️ Lukë Gaspër [Gaia & Lukë]
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DH: Alexandros Ixiom Fitzpatrick
DW: Gaia Hermione FredericksonDS1: Archander Jason Fitzpatrick-Frederickson
DS2: Apollón Myles Fitzpatrick-Frederickson
DS3: Achilles Evander Fitzpatrick-Frederickson
DD1: Alexirrhoe “Alex” Larissa Fitzpatrick-Frederickson
DS4: Adonis Damon Fitzpatrick-Frederickson
DD2: Astraea Penelope Fitzpatrick-Frederickson
DD3: Aerope Helena Fitzpatrick-Frederickson
DD4: Atlas Irene Fitzpatrick-Frederickson
DD5: Artemis Cynthia Fitzpatrick-Frederickson
DS1: Archander Jason Fitzpatrick-Frederickson
-DW: Klarisa Amaris Lucaj
—DD1: Benedicta Avis Fitzpatrick-Frederickson
—DD2: Donaldina Hebe Fitzpatrick-Frederickson
—DD3/DD4: Enriqueta Viva Fitzpatrick-Frederickson / Eugenia Lyra Fitzpatrick-Frederickson
—DD5: Romana Aida Fitzpatrick-Frederickson
—DD6: Leonora Alma-Tina Fitzpatrick-Frederickson
DS2: Apollón Myles Fitzpatrick-Frederickson
-DH: Jozef Eduard Ibrahimi
DS3: Achilles Evander Fitzpatrick-Frederickson
-DW: Alma-Rina Aida Mata
DD1: Alexirrhoe “Alex” Larissa Fitzpatrick-Frederickson
-DH: Vinçens Sandër Zefi
DS4: Adonis Damon Fitzpatrick-Frederickson
-DH: Kristofor Elis Skënderi
DD2: Astraea Penelope Fitzpatrick-Frederickson
-DH: Alfred Xhenson Adem
DD3: Aerope Helena Fitzpatrick-Frederickson
-DH: Robert Artor Rukaj
DD4: Atlas Irene Fitzpatrick-Frederickson
-DH: Marku Lukë Shehu
DD5: Artemis Cynthia Fitzpatrick-Frederickson
-DW: Erza Valentina Hoxha
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DH: Aristée "Rizzo" Apollón Fleytoux [bisexual genderqueer man; he/they]
DW: Chrysosandalaimopotichthonia "Goldie" Floros Fleytoux [pansexual cis woman; she/her] DD1: Pasiphaë "Pax" Séléné [Fleytoux] Nerënxa [straight cis woman; she/her]
-DH: Xhenson "Zen" Kristaq Nerënxa [straight trans man; he/him]
-DD: Aldyth "Aba" Benedicta Alphonsine Nerënxa [twin; IVF]
-DD: Ayliffe "Aylie" Almatina Hildegarde Nerënxa [twin; IVF]
-DD: Avarina "Rina" Ianthe Enriqueta Nerënxa [adopted]
-DD: Araminta "Minta" Desdemona Corisande Nerënxa [twin; IVF]
-DD: Augusta "Auggie" Theodosia Dulcibelle Nerënxa [twin; IVF]
-DD: Aeddan Euphemia Loveday Nerënxa [adopted] DS1: Alcander "Anders" Cephiro Fleytoux [straight cis man; he/him]
-DW: Rozalindë "Roz" Dranafile [Robert] Fleytoux [straight cis woman; she/her] DS2: Dionysus "Dion" Leander Fleytoux [straight cis man; he/him]
-DW: Leonita "Nita" Pinellopi [Osmani] Fleytoux [straight cis woman; she/her] DD2: Calliphaea "Faye" Aerope [Fleytoux] Skënderi [bisexual cis woman; she/her]
-DH: Emiljano "Emil" Bashkim Skënderi [bisexual cis man; he/him] DD3: Polymnia "Polly" Galatée [Fleytoux] Florin [straight asexual cis woman; she/her]
-DH: Redion "Red" Stilianos Florin [straight cis man; he/him]DD4: Aletheia "Theo" Cassiphone Bardhi-Fleytoux [biromantic demisexual demigirl/nonbinary femme; they/fae]
-DW: Violeta "Lita" Arbënore Bardhi-Fleytoux [bisexual intersex woman; she/they]DS3: Perseus "Percy" Mélissé Vogli Fleytoux [gay cis man; he/him]
-DH: Junus "JC" Çerçiz Jahmir Fleytoux Vogli [gay cis man; he/him] DD5: Anticlea "Cleo" Zephyria [Fleytoux] Fleymeri [bisexual cis woman; she/her]
-DSp: Lirian "Rian" Bedrie [Ymeri] Fleymeri [bisexual nonbinary; they/them] DD6: Liriope "Lyra" Astraea [Fleytoux] Grajqevci [straight cis woman; she/her]
-DH: Lazër Ramazan Grajqevci [straight cis man; he/him]
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DH: Hermes Morpheus Feron
DW: Asterope Sparta FeronDS1: Helios Nestor Feron
- DW: Dafina Briselda Veseli
-- DD: Dulcie Blythe Feron
-- DD: Hero Keturah Feron
-- DD: Oenone Maple Feron
-- DD: Araminta Loveday Feron
-- DD: Vashti Zelmira Feron
-- DD: Clio Eulalia FeronDS2: Perseus Jason Feron
- DW: Mimoza Fotina DibraDS3: Leander Achilles Feron
- DW: Leonita Gladiola ShahiniDD1: Asteria Circe Feron
- DH: Ilir Kostandin TahiriDS4: Triton Evander Feron
- DW: Isida Pinellopi BojaxhiuDD2: Elara Psyche Feron
- DH: Admir Leonit PriftiDD3: Melpomene Gaia Feron
- DH: Flamur Bashkim DervishiDD4: Hippolyta Thebe Feron
- DH: Agron Sokol HoxhaDD5: Ismene Britomart Feron
- DH: Florin Dhimitër Shehu
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DH: Dionysos Triton Fitzgerald
DW: Galatée Electra (Fox) Fitzgerald --DS1: Kairos Nestor Fitzgerald
DW: Kristela Rozalindë (Shehu) Fitzgerald
-DD: Corisande Avis Fitzgerald
-DD: Araminta Blythe Fitzgerald
-DD: Abolene Camelia Fitzgerald
-DD: Ianthe Leonora Fitzgerald
-DD: Tryphena Aldyth Fitzgerald
-DD: Lucretia Mercy Fitzgerald DS2: Archander Morpheus Fitzgerald
DW: Isida Marigo (Denis) Fitzgerald DS3: Adonis Geryon Fitzgerald
DW: Gladiola Diona (Elton) Fitzgerald DD1: Liriope Sophrosyne (Fitzgerald) Sokol
DH: Klaud Leonit SokolDS4: Cephiro Hades Fitzgerald
DW: Edona Valentina (Skifter) Fitzgerald DD2: Aletheia Nyx (Fitzgerald) Edison
DH: Junus Kadri EdisonDD3: Thebe Melpomene (Fitzgerald) Robert
DH: Albion Franc RobertDD4: Pasiphaë Aero (Fitzgerald) Dibra
DH: Luan Patriot DibraDD5: Psyche Zephyria (Fitzgerald) Alfred
DH: Roland Kostandin Alfred
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Gorgeous names!DH: Nestor Phaeax Freeland
DW: Anticlea Mnemosyne FurlongDS1: Aristaeus Apollo Freeland
-W: Dranafile Amantia Ismajli
--D: Hildegarde Eulalia Freeland
--D: Boudicca Ianthe Freeland
--D/D: Almatina Augusta Freeland & Theodosia Emerence Freeland
--D: Oenone Sacramenta Freeland
--D: Elvetia Corisande FreelandDS2: Archander Helios Freeland
-W: Eglantina Klarisa MuçolliDS3: Alexanor Xanthos Freeland
-H: Idhomene Egzon VokshiDD1: Melpomene Electra Freeland
-H: Pirro Gentian LalaDS4: Adrastos Geryon Freeland
-W: Marigo Pinellopi XhixhaDD2: Euphrosyne Acantha Freeland
-W: Kozeta Kleona FazliuDD3: Parthenope Cephiso Freeland
-H: Lulzim Eduard KapllaniDD4: Atalanta Stilbe Freeland
-H: Bledian Rrok TopulliDD5: Hestia Amalthea Freeland
-H: Sotir Kostandin Bytyqi
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I used the count-along method with this round, as did I with the last round, since my brain could cope better with it. So, it's a great method to use with namebanks like those. I used the 12-sided die:) DH: Triton Achelous Florou
DW: Hippolyta Sparta [Filimon] Florou***DS1: Cephiro Ceyx Florou
DW: Vera Leonita [Hoxha] FlorouDD1: Abolene Mehetabel Florou
DD2: Emeralda Adnah Florou
DD3/DD4: Keturah Oenone Florou / Fortituda Vashti Florou
DD5: Querina Glenara Florou
DD6: Bethalina Dulcibelle Florou*DS2: Neoptolemos Nestor Florou
DW: Kozeta Aleksia [Dibra] Florou*DS3: Perseus Helios Florou
DW: Briselda Almarina [Musja] Florou*DD1: Britomar Calliphaea Florou-Gentian
DW: Amaris Edina Florou-Gentian*DS4: Stilbe Caryste Florou
DW: Gjenovefa Anbeta [Prifti] Florou*
DD2: Atlantia Raidne [Florou] Krasniki
DH: Eduard Kadri Krasniki*DD3: Zephyria Ismene [Florou] Zhulati
DH: Kristaq Besfort Zhulati*DD4: Echione Psyche [Florou] Gaspër
DH: Janus Dionisi Gaspër*DD5: Urania Pelopea [Florou] Osman
DH: Albion Skifter Osman
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I love your initiative!
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