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[Facts] Re: lol! questions on q, x, wh, and w
Bonjour is a strange word. My French teachers pronounced it 'bo-JEW-er' (second two slurred together to make an interesting e sound) with the 'n' in 'bon' nearly impossible to hear and a guttural thingydoo on the end. (French is not as pretty as it's cracked up to be.) In English, though, people just say "bone-JER" or something of that ilk. Going with 'salut' (sah-LOO, I think) is a good suggestion...English also has 'sayonara'--we steal from multiple cultures. ;)Silver: Also, 'q' is somethings a 'ch' sound. Still uneeded...
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> (French is not as pretty as it's cracked up to be.)I kinda thought so, 'cause here 'they' say it's a beautiful language, and there 'they' say it's very nasal. From my limited experience, nasal languages are just strange, not pretty. Y ;)
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> (French is not as pretty as it's cracked up to be.)I kinda thought so, 'cause here 'they' say it's a beautiful language, and there 'they' say it's very nasal. From my limited experience, nasal languages are just strange, not pretty. Y ;)
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That was supposed to read "someTIMES a ch sound." Bleh."There they" are correct. French is nasal and oozy. (Only mild amounts of offense intended to those of the Francophonish persuasion...)
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