[Facts] brendan and katherine
The 'smelly hair' error is a fairly modern error - people working on Irish names in the early 20th century were trying to find Irish roots for all Irish names. As Brendan is a borrowing of Welsh brenin (king), this approach was doomed to failure, and led them to the wrong conclusions.The Romans probably quite intentionally reinterpreted Katerina for a more 'holy' meaning - see also Veronica.
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Questions about the meanings of Katherine and Brendan  ·  Miranda  ·  10/21/2003, 11:21 PM
brendan and katherine  ·  Merrimont  ·  10/22/2003, 5:03 AM
Re: Questions about the meanings of Katherine and Brendan  ·  Anneza  ·  10/21/2003, 11:58 PM