[Facts] Re: Remington - ?
Hi there--Just came across your post more or less by accident and even though it's likely a bit late, I thought I'd drop you a note about your "Remington" question.It's an English surname based on a village in Yorkshire called Rimington, which is on the Rim River. It's also supposed to mean one who comes from the "border" or "rim," although I think this is because the Rim River itself was considered to be a border of some sort. At any rate, it has a long history in England as well as the U.S. The first Remingtons came to America in the early to mid 1600s. Despite Remington typewriters, razors, guns, etc., it's actually not a terribly common name, and almost certainly all Remington's in the U.S. (and probably Britain as well) are ancestors of a single family.When using my credit card a few years ago, the clerk at the store I was at mentioned her nephew's first name was Remington, so I know it's been used as a first name. If I remember correctly, she said they called him "Remy" for short.Anyway, that's probably too little too late, but I thought I'd chip in. Congratulations on the baby!ted
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Remington - ?  ·  StacyD  ·  10/30/2003, 6:18 PM
Re: Remington - ?  ·  Ted Remington  ·  1/13/2004, 10:51 PM
Re: Remington - ?  ·  jo  ·  11/6/2003, 10:36 PM