Alessia Mia (
Isabella Mia) -i can't stand how people use the same mn twice. unless the first child has passed away because that is different.
I've never had a problem with this, as my sisters and I all have the same mn. I kinda like that we all have a link! Also - mia means "my" in Italian, so maybe this is significant here?
Anyway, I found many of these names quite trashy, but I like:
AlanaElla RoseIsla Teresa -i hope its EYE-la Tah-RAY-sa and not IS-la Te-REE-sa.
I prefer Te-REE-sa. Either way, the parents' taste in names has improved since
Makayla! I love
Isla and
Teresa, but wouldn't put them together as they both end in -a.
Lara Scarlett Natasha
Isabel (prefer
Caitlyn (prefer
Luca Daniel Nicolai
Nicholas Matthew,
S xx