It could work for your character since it's a story, and some people really do have very unusual naming tastes. From your description of her father, I agree that California would probably be an unlikely choice though.
Other ideas:
CalanthiaAmarantaAmbrosiaAlastrionaAssumpta - An Irish name with Latin roots.
Concepta - Another name that has been used in
Ireland that has Latin roots. Her nickname could be
Fidelma - Irish name w/ Latin roots.
FinolaGraniaClionaTalullaDelfinaDesideria "
EdelmiraElodiaEmigdia "
HerminiaZoraidaZenaidaEmperatrizOlimpia /
OlympiaFlorindaFideliaPalomaPacificaNydiaLeocadia "Cadie"
This message was edited 11/7/2009, 3:53 PM