[Opinions] Re: Ossian
as a native english speaker and owner of a brand-spanking-new degree in the subject, i would probably pronounce Ossian as Oh-see-an or Ocean. if youre basing your decision purely on phoenitics, youre still failing (sorry). Osheen is self-explanatory but seems obvious and contrived to the point of being silly. i like the name itself but agree that the traditional spelling is difficult, so maybe something with the same meaning or general sound would float your boat? i didn't find either of the other names in the database, so i cant suggest alternatives without more info.
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Ossian  ·  GiovannaDevorah  ·  4/4/2010, 5:13 PM
Re: Ossian  ·  itsjustme2407  ·  4/5/2010, 2:11 AM
Re: Ossian  ·  Mireio  ·  4/4/2010, 5:42 PM
Re: Ossian  ·  Dracotorix  ·  4/4/2010, 5:34 PM
Ditto to this, although I kind of like Ossian. (nt)  ·  -Violetta Lavender-  ·  4/4/2010, 5:44 PM
Re: Ossian  ·  PandoraPandora  ·  4/4/2010, 5:18 PM
Re: Ossian  ·  GiovannaDevorah  ·  4/4/2010, 5:21 PM