Okee dokee. :-)
India Pascale and
India Mirabel are my "go-to" combos for
India. I can see
Pascale working with
Indira, but the "meer" sounds wouldn't work with Mirabel. So, let's see:
Indira PascaleIndira CelesteIndira SophieIndira Niobe ("NIE-uh-bee" -- HBO "Rome" fans might get this one)
Indira ColombeIndira Ines (I love the initials I.I.)
Indira Sonnet
Indira GiseleIndira Leontine ("LAY-un-teen")
Indira NoemiIndira LetitiaIndira LilyIndira LydiaIndira Thais ("THAY-iss?")
Indira Ione (not for the faint of heart)
Indira LucienneIndira Anais ("ah-nah-EES")
Indira MavisIndira JadeIndira Pearl Indira VictoriaIndira PhoebeIndira Callista /
CallistoIndira VioletteIndira PatienceIndira CamilleIndira Tatiane
Indira CarmelIndira Genevieve
I don't think any of those really hit the nail on the head. But they are a starting point perhaps. I hope you like one or two. :-)