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[Opinions] What?
in reply to a message by elsie
Olessia isn't Alessia spelt 'creatively.' It's a different - and entirely legitimate - name. I found it interesting on a woman whose accent I couldn't pick is all and am considering how it would come across on a child from an English speaking background.I'm going to edit my original post, though I'd hope no one else would attempt to take away the legitimacy of Olessia.
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Olessia  ·  Kitty  ·  4/4/2011, 8:02 PM
Re: Olessia  ·  Dracotorix  ·  4/5/2011, 10:59 AM
Re: Olessia  ·  New_Chloe  ·  4/5/2011, 7:37 AM
I know an Olessya... (m)  ·  coldplayer9  ·  4/4/2011, 11:43 PM
Re: Olessia  ·  Julia  ·  4/4/2011, 8:43 PM
Re: Olessia  ·  Kitty  ·  4/4/2011, 9:32 PM
Re: Olessia  ·  Julia  ·  4/4/2011, 10:29 PM
Re: Olessia  ·  New_Chloe  ·  4/5/2011, 7:36 AM
Re: Olessia  ·  Marija Luminitsa  ·  4/4/2011, 10:52 PM
Re: Olessia  ·  elsie  ·  4/4/2011, 8:23 PM
What?  ·  Kitty  ·  4/4/2011, 8:30 PM