[Opinions] I agree (m)
in reply to a message by Array
Bliss is a stripper name to me. It would be OK as a middle name, but the names uggested by Array are much safer, and their meanings are just as nice!

Father: The mill's closed. There's no more work. We're destitute. I'm afraid I have no choice but to sell you all for scientific experiments.
(The Meaning of Life)
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Bliss  ·  .blonde.  ·  1/24/2006, 7:54 AM
Re: Bliss  ·  Sadie  ·  1/25/2006, 8:50 AM
No. (m)  ·  Cera  ·  1/24/2006, 3:11 PM
Its the name of a magazine I read (M)  ·  CherryFrog  ·  1/24/2006, 9:55 AM
Re: Bliss  ·  rainbow_Maya  ·  1/24/2006, 9:09 AM
Re: Bliss  ·  Miss Natla  ·  1/24/2006, 8:42 AM
Lol I just realised it does. nt  ·  CherryFrog  ·  1/24/2006, 9:56 AM
Re: Bliss  ·  kayfiona  ·  1/24/2006, 8:29 AM
Blythe seems safer.  ·  Array  ·  1/24/2006, 8:06 AM
I agree (m)  ·  Narinoc  ·  1/24/2006, 9:41 AM
Re: Bliss  ·  .:*alexa*:.  ·  1/24/2006, 8:05 AM