[Opinions] Re: Davremil, Daremil, and Dachenvor
Davremil - Davros, the villian in Doctor Who (BBC scifi)Dachenvor - would bug me in a book because I'm not sure how it's intended to be pronounced: DAKH-en-vawr? Dah-KHEN-vawr? DATCH-en-vawr? Datch-EN-vawr?Daremil - same trouble because could be dair-mill, or dahr-eh-mill, or dair-eh-mill. Reminds a tad of Darrell. Any of them are decent as inventions for non-realistic fiction, though.- chazda
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Davremil, Daremil, and Dachenvor  ·  ceridwenbeauty  ·  2/21/2006, 11:43 PM
Re: Davremil, Daremil, and Dachenvor  ·  chazda  ·  2/22/2006, 11:41 PM
Re: Davremil, Daremil, and Dachenvor  ·  Cleveland Kent Evans  ·  2/22/2006, 9:15 AM