[Opinions] Re: Chrysanthe
in reply to a message by Lapin
I’ve liked it for a while! I used to like it more, but it still holds a spot on my list. I prefer it to Chrysanthemum, though.
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Chrysanthe  ·  Lapin  ·  8/2/2020, 7:54 AM
Re: Chrysanthe  ·  Somebody random  ·  8/3/2020, 7:40 AM
Re: Chrysanthe  ·  Kerilyntaryn21  ·  8/2/2020, 7:48 PM
Re: Chrysanthe  ·  Jessamine  ·  8/2/2020, 9:05 AM
Re: Chrysanthe  ·  Janan  ·  8/2/2020, 8:57 AM