[Games] Re: CAF Generation
DH (91) Max Christopher Wolfe
DW (84) Selina Lidie (Frank) Wolfe DD1 (60) Elinor Katherine (Wolfe)
DS1 (58) Noah Owen Wolfe
DD2 (54) Rose Leona (Wolfe)
DS2 (52) Aiden Justin Wolfe
DD3 (43) Harriet Celeste (Wolfe)Max and Selina || ElinorNoahRosieAidenHarriet *
DD1 (60) Elinor Katherine (Wolfe) Knox
ExH (66) Reed Emmett Britton DD (34) Aria Kira (Britton) Rentschler
- DH (53) Elijah Otis Rentschler
- DS (12) Billy Cole Rentschler
- DS (10) Joshua Henry Rentschler
- DS (9) Jacob Rafe Rentschler
- DS & DS (7) Mason Zachary Rentschler & George Thomas Rentschler
- DS (5) Ryan Daniel Rentschler
- DD (3) Indiana Elinor Rentschler
- DS (nb) Alexander James Rentschler
Aria and Eli || BillyJoshuaJacobMasonGeorgeRyan • Indi • Alexander DS (32) Michael Drew Britton
- DW (26) Lena Sarah (Adams) Britton
- DD (4) Poppy Louisa Britton
- DD (2) Elsie Taylor Britton
Mikey and Lena || PoppyElsie DS (21) Robert Bodhi Britton
- DW (21) Felicity Arabella (Voegt) Britton
Robbie with wife Felicity Elinor and Reed || AriaMikeyRobbieDH (62) Damon Reese Knox DD (19) Violet Selina Knox
- Dbf (19) Grayson Robert Isaac
- DS (exp) Reign James Isaac
Violet and Gray || exp Reign Elinor and Damon || Violet *
DS1 (58) Noah Owen Wolfe
DW (50) Mae Calla (Nicholas) Wolfe DD (30) Addison Emma (Wolfe) Estes
- DH (37) Joseph Louis Estes
- DS (5) Ethan Colton Estes
- DD (exp) Daisy Josephina Rates
Addison and Joe || Ethan • exp Daisy DS (26) Henry Owen Wolfe
- DW (23) Carina Brielle (Casey) Wolfe
- DS (2) Alexander George Wolfe
- DS (nb) Christopher Westin Wolfe
Henry and Carina || AlexChristopherDD (23) Joanna Larissa Wolfe DD (19) Edith Marilyn Wolfe
- Dbf (20) Kingston Kanoa Emerson
- DD (exp) Billie Leila Emerson
Edith and Kingston || exp Billie Noah and Mae || AddisonHenryJoannaEdith *
DD2 (54) Rose Leona (Wolfe) Simons
DH (56) Daniel Kyson SimonsDD (34) Sarah Florence (Simons) Andrews
- DH (38) Thane Rio Andrews
- DD (14) Elizabeth Ruby Andrews
- DD (10) Nellie Esther Andrews
- DS (2) Oliver Thane Andrews
- DS (exp) Arthur Axel Andrews
Sarah and Thane || BettyNellieOliver • exp Arthur DD (31) Ella Lois (Simons) Monroe
- DH (35) Beau Thomas Monroe
- DD (9) Eva Rose Monroe
- DD (4) Loretta Vera Monroe
- DD (3) Alice Mable Monroe
Ella and Beau || EvaLorettaAlice DD (29) Annie Mamie (Simons) Bishop
- DH (31) William Victor Bishop
- DS (8) Harlan Robin Bishop
- DD (6) Lillie Rose Bishop
- DD (1) Clara Marie Bishop
Annie and Will || HarlanLillieClara DS (17) Jack Joseph Simons
DS & DS (14) Nicholas Samuel Simons & Charlie William SimonsRosie and Daniel || SarahEllaAnnieJackNickyCharlie *
DS2 (52) Aiden Justin Wolfe
DW (43) Geneva Jaxuqeline (Douglas) Wolfe DS (24) Evan George Wolfe
- DW (24) Tiana Elsie (Orr) Wolfe
- DS (3) Rex Keegan Wolfe
Evan and Tiana || RexDD (19) Ester Selina Wolfe Aiden and Geneva || EvanEster*
DD3 (43) Harriet Celeste (Wolfe) Stetson
DH (53) David John StetsonDS (24) Jalen Walter StetsonHarriet and David || Jalen
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CAF Generation  ·  Patience2010  ·  11/18/2022, 2:40 PM
Re: CAF Generation  ·  ines97  ·  11/18/2023, 7:40 AM
Re: CAF Generation  ·  1Name  ·  5/7/2023, 5:51 PM
Re: CAF Generation  ·  michal1223  ·  3/15/2023, 7:07 AM
Re: CAF Generation  ·  Jasminaxx  ·  2/5/2023, 10:15 AM
Re: CAF Generation  ·  libbydecember  ·  12/31/2022, 3:46 PM
Re: CAF Generation  ·  Julia  ·  11/25/2022, 11:12 PM
Re: CAF Generation  ·  HeidiAnn1026  ·  11/22/2022, 3:12 PM
Re: CAF Generation  ·  Crista  ·  11/21/2022, 7:32 AM
Re: CAF Generation  ·  K.J.  ·  11/20/2022, 6:06 PM
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Re: CAF Generation  ·  Emaleigh  ·  11/20/2022, 11:07 AM
Re: CAF Generation  ·  Kinola  ·  11/19/2022, 1:17 PM
Re: CAF Generation  ·  Sigrid  ·  11/19/2022, 11:29 AM
Re: CAF Generation  ·  Aledis  ·  11/19/2022, 4:23 AM
Re: CAF Generation  ·  Nix  ·  11/19/2022, 2:22 AM
Re: CAF Generation  ·  ValerieK  ·  11/18/2022, 7:09 PM
Re: CAF Generation  ·  Jessamine  ·  11/18/2022, 6:46 PM
Re: CAF Generation  ·  Angrboða  ·  11/18/2022, 5:34 PM
Re: CAF Generation  ·  Impala1729  ·  11/18/2022, 5:20 PM
Re: CAF Generation  ·  Bella  ·  11/18/2022, 4:05 PM
Re: CAF Generation  ·  Wordsmith  ·  11/18/2022, 2:59 PM