[Opinions] Re: Evert
in reply to a message by JNord
I like it as a middle name. Sometimes like Daniel Evert would be cool. It reminds me of Egbert.

"It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves." - William Shakespeare

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Evert  ·  JNord  ·  1/6/2023, 7:40 AM
Re: Evert  ·  Gaia  ·  1/6/2023, 8:34 PM
Re: Evert  ·  Gingersnap  ·  1/6/2023, 4:16 PM
Re: Evert  ·  mirfak  ·  1/6/2023, 12:27 PM
Re: Evert  ·  Kerilyntaryn21  ·  1/6/2023, 11:03 AM
Re: Evert  ·  Xeno  ·  1/6/2023, 10:36 AM