[Opinions] Re: Cheryl
I'm not sure that it's usable today - it's dated, honestly - but I've always thought it was rather pretty. Cheryl and Wendy are the two names that scream a specific time period to me (at least where I've lived) that I've always thought would be lovely to see return to popularity. I definitely prefer it to Sherry / Cherie / any other variant of that name. I've known a few people named Cherilyn / Cherylynne and I thought that overdid the name a bit.Riverdale is a pretty niche interest TV show, but I've been a bit surprised we haven't seen a rise in popularity considering the centrality of Cheryl Blossom to that show. (Love her or hate her, but especially in the early seasons she had the best one-liners on that show.)
Andrewput a smile on your face - make the world a better place (:
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