[Games] Re: Rachel's Number CAF
in reply to a message by Miss Lissa <><
LN: Doyle
DW: Samantha Urbana
DH: Jordan Tobias
DD: Bella Samantha
DD: Erin Urbana
DD: Josephine Tovia (Its the fem. form of Tobiah, which is another form of Tobias)
DS: Logan Tobias
DS: Samson Jordan
DS: Aidan Samuel
DDog: Nine
DHorse: Benedict
DBird: Honey
DCat: China
Ooh you did something diffrent with the 'form'. Is 52 your fav number, because you used it 8 times. You used 67 quite a few times also. And 9 an 19 and 91 you repeated...

Yes, 52 is my favorite :) don't ask why, because I have no idea. i decided that i only wanted a couple of names, so i just reused my other favorite numbers. :)
LN: Doyle
DW: Samantha Urbana
-Ooo, I like Urbana, that's cute!
DH: Jordan Tobias
-I LOVE Tobias!
DD: Bella Samantha
-Bella is so cute!
DD: Erin Urbana
-Again, Urbana :)
DD: Josephine Tovia (Its the fem. form of Tobiah, which is another form of Tobias)
-LOVE Josephine, I'd never heard of Tovia, but it's GREAT!
DS: Logan Tobias
-Tobias, one of my favs!
DS: Samson Jordan
-Samson is cute
DS: Aidan Samuel
-Aidan is another one of my favorites!
DDog: Nine
-GREAT dog name!
DHorse: Benedict
-HeHe! I like this!
DBird: Honey
-Honey is more of a cat name...
DCat: China
-It's cute
<>< miss lissa <><
<>< matthew 4:19 <><
LN: Doyle
DW: Samantha Urbana
-Ooo, I like Urbana, that's cute!
DH: Jordan Tobias
-I LOVE Tobias!
DD: Bella Samantha
-Bella is so cute!
DD: Erin Urbana
-Again, Urbana :)
DD: Josephine Tovia (Its the fem. form of Tobiah, which is another form of Tobias)
-LOVE Josephine, I'd never heard of Tovia, but it's GREAT!
DS: Logan Tobias
-Tobias, one of my favs!
DS: Samson Jordan
-Samson is cute
DS: Aidan Samuel
-Aidan is another one of my favorites!
DDog: Nine
-GREAT dog name!
DHorse: Benedict
-HeHe! I like this!
DBird: Honey
-Honey is more of a cat name...
DCat: China
-It's cute
<>< miss lissa <><
<>< matthew 4:19 <><