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[Facts] Re: only one Camilith
Sorry, but I haven't been able to any info on that name for you, or instances of other uses of that name.The U.S . Federal Censuses are riddled with spelling errors, and I see from a 'net search that you not only got this relative's name from the 1850 Census, but also possibly from a *transcribed* version of the Census through the USGenWeb Project. So you have two possibilities there for the name to have been misspelled through human error in the transfer of information.If you haven't already done so, I suggest you go to your public library and have them get you the microfilm for the 1850 Census for Bracken County, Kentucky. Then, check it out yourself to verify the name of your relative.If the name really *is* "Camilith", then the best I can suggest is that perhaps this may be a variation of "Camilla " (click on the blue hyperlink to get the meaning of the name), or that the census-taker misheard the name when it was given to him.Good luck!-- Nanaea
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only one Camilith  ·  Sheila Bull  ·  7/19/2001, 4:27 AM
Re: only one Camilith  ·  Nanaea  ·  7/20/2001, 5:24 AM