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[Facts] Why don't you all grow up!
I read that disgusting filth you put on this board. Evil Twins? What kind of person made up a stupid game like that! Get a life!Newbie Newton
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Shan't! Shan't! Shan't! N'yah!:p
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It's a free country, and I'm stayin'! You can't make me go!:)
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EVIL TWINS! Ivana Johnson & Velvet Watt (g/g)
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Oh, all right then! Velvet Watt and Silkleete (g/g):p
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GO AWAY!!!!!!!
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LOL, Tracie!:p
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I just do not understand why someone will go to a board that they don't like and feel that they have to post an opinion. If I go somewhere and do not like it, I simply leave. What is up with that?
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Gee, I don't know! Maybe 'cause it's just a joke, and I'm Newbie Newton!:)
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OH, (blush) now I feel stupid. But my intentions were good and we all know where that leads.:)
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Andrea's right -- you're cool, Tracie. Not to worry. :)
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Thanks a bunch. I like you all a lot, too.While I might not be able to contribute very much information. I ackowledge that you are all very intelligent. Who better to learn from than smart people?
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No, don't feel stupid! We like you! But check out Nan's last two posts on the Evil Twins game!:)
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Thanks for stickin' up for us, Tracie! :)-- Nanaea
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I agree!
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