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[Opinions] Re: Primrose
in reply to a message by Lily
I feel like this is a name you're always asking about. Maybe I'm wrong. Whatever, it doesn't matter anyway.Primrose is a horrible name to give to a little girl. I feel like it encapsulates everything society things a girl should be--quiet, proper, and delicate. I'm all for girly names but Primrose is just too weak and feeble. Hunger Games made it more off limit since her character was exactly that--innocent, quiet, proper, delicate wisp of a person. Please. No thanks!
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agree...But you know what? It's funny, if Primrose so perfectly embodies the stereotype of what girls were expected to be, how come it was never or almost never used back then?My theory is even back then people thought it was stupid.
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Bahaha.I think maybe because it wasn't Biblical? Perhaps?But I don't know. Some families I'm surprised men didn't name their daughters Silence and Obedience.
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some did, apparently...Puritans had some pretty strange names for both male and female children. Fear, Difficulty, Remember, Deliverance, ("Squeal, Piggy!") Providence, Comfort, that kind of thing. But by and large, ordinary names like mary, Dorothy, John and George (two of which are not even Biblical) were much mor popular.
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Hmm, good point!
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You're wrong.
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lolI'm wrong about how much you've posted about it, I'm guessing? Could be. No need to get defensive. Like mirfak said, it was just an observation. Felt like I've been seeing the name a lot. It wasn't an attack on you or anything lol
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Yes. I wasn't getting defensive, I just pointed out that you were wrong about me always posting about it.
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I have that impression too. I know it's wrong and everything, but.
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TrittoYeah, ok, you haven't asked about it since the 18th of April (that's only 6 months ago, by the way). But the April post came on the heels of one only a month earlier. 3 times in 7 months... actually, that is harping on about it, sorry.
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I'll make a mental note that 'always' is now defined as 'three times in 7 months' (well, 7 months tomorrow if you want to be exact). I only remembered posting about it early this year and now the year is coming to an end so I thought it would be fine to post again as we have a few new users and people change their opinions from time to time. I guess I just didn't care enough to look up when and how many times I posted on it exactly thanks for doing that for me.
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I didn't look into it because I honestly didn't care about many times you have posted about it. "Always" could be an exaggeration but Primrose just must be one of the names that I feel like I see all the time--maybe not even necessarily from you.Like I said, it doesn't even matter. I don't think anyone really cares about seeing a name '3 times in 7 months' from one person. Just means you like the name a lot, I guess. Different strokes.
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I guess Amphelise cares. I replied to her. I still don't see how three times in 7 months is a lot, I've seen other names way more often. I just found that a little exaggerated. Maybe other people posted on it as you said and so it seemed like it was posted on more often.
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It's okay. It IS fine to post about it. Everyone has names they like, that they wish more people liked. The frequency of its appearance seems all out of proportion to how well liked it is - and that makes this funny. I think the pile-on here is not an attack on you ... it's just because it seems funny, not because your posting about it now and then seems annoying. At least, I don't think it's annoying at all.

This message was edited 11/16/2012, 4:13 PM

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3 times in 7 months is a lot?I'm not a fan of Primrose, but maybe the poster is thinking that other people who haven't already responded might pop in and have a different point of view.It doesn't sound that unreasonable to me.These boards are just not as active as they once were, perhaps.

This message was edited 11/16/2012, 3:02 PM

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Well, put it this way: if you've asked about the same name often enough that several different people have gone "oh, you again with that name again", then it's probably too much.
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