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[Opinions] Re: Lucy
in reply to a message by Calla
I love Lucinda.
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I know a Lucinda. She absolutely hated her name. She went by Cindy and would get annoyed if you used her full name.
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I knew a Lucinda growing up, and she loved her name.
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Yes well personally I think Lucinda is better than Cindy, bleh. I just have found that since she didn't like her name, it made me not like it too for some reason
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Yes, my mother's hatred for her name, Zoe, influenced my feelings toward the name for a long time.Sometimes I wonder if people who say that they hate their names suffer from low self-esteem. Personally, my name is so tied up with my identity that I can neither love it nor hate it. I can't imagine hating my name, but I'm also not one of those people who say, "I love this name because it is mine that makes it great" (you see this in the comments section of the names).
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Me, too. It's just so smooth and dark. I see swirls of red and black and glitter. It's quite cool.
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I see midnight blue and silver. It really shimmers.
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