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[Facts] new names added to the website
Name update #88 is complete!
- delved a bit into Lucille's submitted name collection
- added many new names, including from the Caucasus and Central Asia: Chechen, Georgian, Dagestani, Tatar, Turkmen, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Uyghur, etc
- you can now search using non-Latin scripts. There are a few limitations - eg searching for Hebrew without nikud might not workHere's a list of the additions and updates:
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Because I have visited BtN only rarely in recent months (due to things that are going on in my personal life), I only noticed a couple of minutes ago that a new amount of names were added to the main database this March.When I was going through all of the new names, I noticed that there were quite a few names from my submitted names collection there (well, the penny kind of began to drop once I saw that a lot of Georgian names were added, which is what I had last busied myself with). I thought that that was kind of peculiar, in that I hadn't really seen such a high amount of "my" names in a database update before - so then I looked up the announcement thread for the update and was pleasantly surprised to see here that it wasn't really a coincidence but more of a conscious thing. :)Mike, thank you very much for deciding to add some of the names that I have submitted over the years. It's truly an honour and a pleasure! :D I have already added some of them to my personal names list. ;)I hope to be adding more names again in the future (I've got my sights set on Kyrgyz names this time), but it might take a while. In the meantime, I hope that you're doing well and that BtN will continue to run smoothly (I don't know what I'd do if someday I couldn't visit this website anymore at all! x_x). :)Sincerely,Lucille
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Awesome! Thanks Mike :DI'm glad you've decided to add a lot of names Lucille added. She's added so many!Lucille, thanks a lot for all your efforts! (Especially for the Dutch section :P)
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Hey Mar! ^_^Thank you very much for your kind words, but there's really no need to thank me. I've been very fond of first names since my teenage years, and so researching and submitting all of the names (that I've added to the Submitted Names Database over the years) has always been a labour of love for me. It never quite feels like a chore to me - it's always more kind of an interesting and engaging journey where I (more often than not) forget the time. ;)But, I'm very pleased to hear that you generally find some of the names in my collection useful - I can only hope that that will continue to be so. :)I'm still very grateful to you for the help that you gave me a couple of months ago, by the way. I've used your advice frequently. I'm afraid that I've only had limited success with it (which isn't due to you or your advice, of course), but I continue to use it as a guideline, because it's the best I have come across so far. That, and because these things take time - they have to be done step by step, so patience is also needed. I think that as long as we keep trying and going in the right direction, things will ultimately be okay.Alright, I better be going now, before I turn this post into an entire essay. :3 I hope that you're doing well and I wish you a lovely Sunday. ^_^Sincerely,Lucille
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Ooohhh thanks!
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Thanks as always, Mike! :)
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