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[Opinions] Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter completely removed that name from my list...nt
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ntREMEMBER CEDRIC DIGGORY: The Real Triwizard ChampionImage Hosted by
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I'm sorry, but how can a minor fictional character carry that much weight? I do know what you mean. There are times when one bad association can change my opinion of a name. But usually those are real life people. Even then, I can choose to ignore them*. I can understand a famous literary character like Juliet or Guinevere taking a name over in one's mind. But is Dolores Umbridge really so formidable?I don't mean to harang you. It's just that I'd hate to think a great name like Delores isn't getting due consideration because of one minor character from a children's book.
* Imelda Marcos didn't ruin Imelda for me. Eamonn (de Valera) was a discredited name in my (IRB) Irish grandfather's house. But I love the name anyway. And why not? It's gorgeous.
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Yes, it canI actually completely agree with Triwizard and Chrisell. She isn't minor, she's icky and nasty and I can't stand the name because of her! By the way, they aren't just for children. I know many adults who love them as much as I do!Oh, also: I don't feel any influence from Juliet at all. It's my favorite girls name, funnily enough!
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I'm guessing that you haven't read the Harry Potter books, then. Dolores Umbridge isn't a 'minor character'; she's a major evil character in one of the books who spends most of that book physically torturing Harry as punishment. I found that book very hard to read - it was sickening - and I very much doubt that anyone who reads those books as a child or teenager will ever be able to disassociate the name Dolores from the cruelty in that book.
ChrisellAll we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us. - J.R.R. Tolkien.

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No, I haven't read the books. I gathered that the character was not a good one. :-( Witches / bad characters have some of the best names, to me. (Ex: Ursula, Drusilla, Damien.) But I take your point. I just really hate that one fictional character could cause so much harm to an innocent name. Are we really so weak and impressionable?
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I agreeSadly, whether the person is real or fiction, people are influenced by who bears a particular name.
Dolores Umbridge was a totally frightful over the top baddy who was far from being a minor character, she tortured the hero both physically and mentally. also she was described as looking like a fat toad.
Fans of the book probably concider her character to be just as famous as Guinevere or Juliet only with none of their redemming features. They will find it difficult to put that association aside.Personally I rather like the name Dolores / Delores, but then I have different associations with it to counter the Umbridge one


This message was edited 3/20/2006, 3:29 PM

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My thoughts exactly
Magistra mundi sum!
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