I like:
Tulip Clementine - I like Tulip and Clementine, but as a combo it is too "thinghy" IMO
Astrid Morrigan Susanna - Morrigan is a GP name of mine
Ella May Sing Maple - I like Ella May
Theophilia - never heard in use, but it has style
Kalysta Jaqueline Renee - I prefer it written Calista. The combo Calista Renee is nice.
Evelynn - I prefer Evelyn
Marshall Oscar "Mars"
Finnian Gustav
Jonathan Wales
Frederick Emanuel
Rune Ender and Iris Lynn - so cute! The MN are not great, but the FNs are.
I can not stand these:
Zoe - on a boy :(
Madric - sounds like the evil character in a childrens book
P'Xyden Onemaus Odessa Oryjin Xuperyor - what? that poor boy has to spell his name everywhere
Pollux - sounds like a desease
Hadlerr, Hoyerr and Harkerr - thes are horrible for girls, especially with the unnecessairy double-R.
sapere aude!
please vote my PNL:
https://www.behindthename.com/pnl/68992This message was edited 9/4/2018, 3:01 AM