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[Facts] Bozo / Božo - meaning?
Thanks to everyone's favorite clown, the name Bozo will probably not be used again for centuries to come. Same thing as with Adolf (another clown).Any ideas what the etymology of Bozo is? I have seen references of it used as a proper name (eg. the Reverend Božo Zunuella of Trieste - who reportedly sprinkles people with holy lemonade and deploys whoopie cushions in his congregation). Bozo / Božo seems to appear in the region formerly known as Yugoslavia. Any ideas?
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Well, the clown was probably named with the American English slang word "bozo" and I doubt if his name is related to the south Slavic examples of Božo. guess would be that Božo is a shortened form of south Slavic names such as Božidar and Božislav. (see BOŽIDAR) (P.S. I have no idea why BOŽIDAR and Božidar aren't creating links since the name is in the dictionary on this site.)

This message was edited 4/19/2006, 3:06 PM

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Re:linksIn order to get links to show up, you just have to put the name without any special characters - usually Miranda just puts it in parentheses like this Božidar (Bozidar)- chazda the helpful
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Most plausible. Thanks, Professor!
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