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[Opinions] Re: Bowie vs. Lennon
Neither. Lennon sounds too much like Lenin, a very different and much less appealing historical figure. Bowie named himself after a hunting knife and pronounced it wrong. To this day, people pronounce both the knife and the singer’s name wrong constantly. Both are surnames which I hate as first names anyway. I would go with John or David if I HAD to name my kid after those rock stars, but honestly those are so generic I’d probably just skip it.
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Those aren't the choices, though.
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But if you only get responders who are willing to choose one of them, you’ll get a skewed perspective on how they’d be received out in the world.I know we do lots of these, with the understanding that the comments will be biased, but sometimes the choices are so problematic that just can’t help but speak up.

This message was edited 11/9/2021, 4:48 AM

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Dang right.
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