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[Opinions] Re: Cardi B's newest daughter's name
in reply to a message by Ani
What on earth caused her to name her child "Kulture"? Kiari would have been far better as her first name Wave is not at all what I'd name a kid, but far better than Kulture, I guess. "Set" is just odd. I did read that it's from dad's stagename, but I think it could have been incorporated better like, something that seems like it could be a plausible name like Setson or something. I don' tlike it, but it's better than Set (and it also makes sense; Set's Son so,)Blossom, by comparison, is lovely. It's not at all my style and I personally think it fits a cow better than a baby, but it's not that bad, really. You could argue she's named after a PowerPuff Girl and that's cute. Was never into them myself, but a lot of people were so I understand how the name could have grown on people easily~oOo~oOo~oOo~"one particular boogie will move mirror massaging with stirring crepe mixture, positioning loaves while in the furnace then toting items in containers" ~ best Russian daing sites (guest, (2020)


I'm sure there's a reason online somewhere for choosing "Kulture" but it's pretty widely accepted that it's a tragedy. Kiari is the dad's first name so I am glad she didn't use it as a FN seeing as he's a serial cheater.
There's no acceptable reason for choosing "Kulture" lmao Though I'm sure there's a reason why it was chosen It's a shame about Kiari because its - aside from Blossom - the only nice name of the lot. She could have changed it slightly to Kiaria to distinguish her from her father, or Kiarius / Kiario for a boy alternative if needed