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[Opinions] Re: Khatidzhe
Khadejah is pretty, but Khatidze just doesn't look attractive, and it makes me think of katydids.Before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, when you criticize him, you're a mile away and you have his shoes!
Steve Martin


I too got the katydid impression, and thought at first it was a kreative name. I don't like Khadija either.
It is because sometimes names look more weird when transcript from Slavic Cyrillic...Hatice is used some times in Crimean Tatar Latin alphabet, in Cyrillic it is Хатидже and I always read this as Khatidzhe. Example of this with English name is Julia, in Cyrillic Джулия, we transcript as Dzhuliya.