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[Facts] Re: Mahwish or Mahwush...which is the right 1?
I have the same name so this is what I know. "Maah" in persian means moon and "wush" means face. Literally, it translates to face like the moon, I guess in terms of iconic beauty. This is further corroborrated by the fact that the name for having a face like a fairy in Persian is "Parivash" or "Pariwush." Ask anyone who is from Iran.Mehwish has come to be popular because people from different regions have various accents and therefore differing pronunciations. "Meh" is wrong because in urdu/persian it means liquor/"sharaab" and "wish" is wrong because it becomes the hindi/sanskriti equivalent of "poison."Hope that helps :)
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'Wash' does not mean 'face'. It is a particle of similitude added to nouns (Steingass Persian Engl. dict. p.1468). So the meaning given in this database for Mahvash is correct (except that it includes the word 'possibly'). The intended meaning is, as you indicate: 'one whose face is beautiful like the full moon'.
Mah, 'moon', has 2 forms: with long or short vowel. It is very strange that you think 'meh' MUST be wrong because it means something else in another language... Where is the logic in that?
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hi may name is saweed khan barikot swat of pakistan
i m male my age is 20
wanna friend ship with me plaase send me e mail i wait for your e amil ok
take care bye.saweed khan
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