Profile for auria

Member since August 14, 2004
Hi!! I guess you're suppose to tell a little about yourself, well here goes..
I love history, being creative with pretty much anything i get my hands on(from lumber to food to drawing)i like to design dresses 'nn stuff many with a bit of historical look(i keep tons of pics of paintings and such from diff periods and period set movies are great) or historical inspiration. names: some of my favs (as of now)(*names of family members,most not with us)
olivia dawn,lilliana, evelyn*, gabriella, isabella
mabel*, verdie*mn only(growing on me), emma, abigail
anoushka; anouska nn anouk, amelia, hannah*, antonia, aleksandrina
alejandro, shawn, nikolai, maurice * (as mn only)
joshua, edmund, alexander, alexei, christopher, dante, deigo, dmitri, edward*, kai, nathanial, jeremiah*, ian, patrick (mn), phillip, daniel