Francesca's Personal Name List

Name M/F Remark Rating
Absalom m  "Absalom" has grown to be one of my favorite names. It is unusual, strange, but very strong. 
34%(9 votes)
Adrian m  "Adrian" is a name that a boy must grow into... he must be a man. There are only a handful of people who I believe could admirably pull it off. 
52%(14 votes)
Adriano m  The same as above for "Adrian." I feel that certain attributes are necessary for justice to be done to this name. 
24%(9 votes)
Alaric m  I would never dub a human child this. A character or pet? Most definitely. 
43%(11 votes)
Albert m  Such old-world charm... and the middle name of old Blue Eyes himself: Francis Albert Sinatra. 
45%(13 votes)
Albus m  I would certainly consider this name for future usage. It is magnificent, completely. 
38%(14 votes)
Aled m
27%(6 votes)
Aleixo m
22%(5 votes)
Aleksandr m
63%(8 votes)
Alessandro m  Nickname: Sandro or Sandy. 
45%(11 votes)
Alfred m
49%(10 votes)
Altair m  Being an avid follower of Astronomy, this name appeals to me. 
48%(13 votes)
Alter m  I lay my eyes to rest on "Alter," and the thoughts that materialize in my mind is that it seems rather... macabre. 
16%(9 votes)
Amilcare m  Pronunciation: Ah- MEEL-Cah-Reyh 
21%(10 votes)
Andor 1 m  Unfortunately I am not Norwegian-- this will be a wonderful character name. 
25%(8 votes)
Andrea 1 m  Spectacular. Although, I foresee issues in English-speaking countries... people will likely view it as feminine. 
35%(10 votes)
Angelo m  What a classic, handsome name. A bit stereotypical, though. 
39%(10 votes)
Anselm m
53%(7 votes)
Antonio m  Grandfather's namesake. 
34%(9 votes)
Apostolos m  Gorgeous! Though unusable if you do not bear a Greek surname, sadly. 
20%(7 votes)
Aragorn m  The Tolkien'ite within tells me to adore this name. 
28%(10 votes)
Aramis m
60%(6 votes)
Archibald m
40%(5 votes)
Astrophel m  This name is glorious! Perhaps a brother to "Severus" (or "Severo"), be it reality or fiction? 
27%(7 votes)
Aurelio m  Certainly a favorite. But with revolting regret, it (and variants) is a name that has been attracting a strange amount of attention. 
23%(6 votes)
Barnabas m
40%(4 votes)
Barnaby m
63%(4 votes)
Beau m & f
27%(7 votes)
Béla m  Does my love for old black and white horror films show this much? 
25%(6 votes)
Benedetto m  Italian version of the magnificent Benedict. 
30%(6 votes)
Benedict m  A charming and classic-- while maintaining to be very professional and contemporarily accepted. 
60%(8 votes)
Bernard m
25%(2 votes)
Bertram m
35%(6 votes)
Betelgeuse m
30%(6 votes)
Bilbo m
14%(5 votes)
Blair m & f
25%(2 votes)
Boško m
30%(2 votes)
Brigham m
30%(3 votes)
Buddy m  Would simply be used as a nickname, if anything. 
16%(7 votes)
Byron m
30%(4 votes)
Cadogan m
25%(4 votes)
Caelestis m
32%(5 votes)
Calogero m  I cannot put my finger on it... but this is no doubt a favorite. 
23%(6 votes)
Calvin m
43%(4 votes)
Cameron m  I would never use it, personally. But, I must be truthful and confess that I find it charming. 
31%(8 votes)
Carl m
40%(7 votes)
Carlo m  Grandfather's namesake. 
35%(10 votes)
Carsten m
23%(3 votes)
Caspian m  Magnificent-- but best be left to C.S. Lewis. 
47%(10 votes)
Cassander m
43%(4 votes)
Celestino m  "Les" could certainly make a suitable nickname. 
22%(5 votes)
Cephas m
15%(2 votes)
Charlemagne m  A pool of pretentiousness, it is. "Charlemagne" is still charming, though. 
39%(8 votes)
Charles m
70%(6 votes)
Charlie m  Adorable diminutive. 
53%(8 votes)
Cheyenne f
20%(4 votes)
Christian m
50%(3 votes)
Christopher m  A timeless name. I am a bit more fond of "Cristoforo," though. 
40%(8 votes)
Clovis m
27%(3 votes)
Connor m  Such a wonderful name-- but I doubt I'd ever use it. 
60%(10 votes)
Conrad m
48%(11 votes)
Costantino m
24%(5 votes)
Cristiano m
25%(2 votes)
Cristoforo m  While there is nothing particularly wrong with "Christoper," "Cristoforo" tickles my taste-buds a bit more. 
22%(6 votes)
Cyril m  I despise the name... "cereal," anyone? But even I must admit that it would make a good character-- despite it gaining popularity in the writing-world. 
41%(9 votes)
Daisuke m
44%(7 votes)
Dalibor m
15%(2 votes)
Daryl m
17%(3 votes)
David m
63%(4 votes)
Davis m
28%(4 votes)
Dean m
43%(4 votes)
Decebal m
15%(2 votes)
Deforrest m
10%(3 votes)
Denholm m
15%(2 votes)
Devereux m
15%(2 votes)
Didacus m
15%(2 votes)
Dimitar m
10%(2 votes)
Dimitri m  There is treasure in this name to be found! Lovely, but unusable unless certain details have been dealt with upon the dubbing of a child. 
48%(8 votes)
Donovan m
27%(3 votes)
Dov m  It would be a difficult nickname to successfully pull off... unless the boy is of a certain character, it would appear weak and effeminate. 
18%(5 votes)
Draven m
15%(2 votes)
Dubravko m
10%(2 votes)
Durante m  Presumably with the nickname of "Dante." 
13%(6 votes)
Eachann m
33%(4 votes)
Ebenezer m
48%(4 votes)
Eddie m & f
58%(4 votes)
Edgar m  It is such a splendidly classic name. Not to mention, the first name of an outstanding writer: Edgar Allan Poe. 
61%(8 votes)
Edmond m
62%(6 votes)
Edmondo m  I suppose that my love affair for the name (and it's variants) began after reading Mr. Alexandre Dumas, pére's magnificent work The Count of Monte Cristo.' "Edmond Dantés" is the main character. 
32%(6 votes)
Edmund m
72%(5 votes)
Edward m
68%(5 votes)
Egon m
20%(4 votes)
Eiríkr m
40%(3 votes)
Eli 1 m  A nickname for either "Eliseo" or "Eligio." 
45%(8 votes)
Eligio m
20%(5 votes)
Eliseo m  A positively undeniable favorite. It is fantastic! "Eli" could easily function as a nickname, particularly because I live in an English-speaking country (the United States.) 
27%(6 votes)
Elkan m
25%(2 votes)
Elrond m
25%(4 votes)
Elwood m  It is so horrible it's... perfect. 
30%(5 votes)
Émeric m
40%(3 votes)
Enoch m  I would use the nickname "Nucky." It seems to have a classic air; very strong and calm. 
30%(7 votes)
Ernesto m  A name with multiple family-ties. 
22%(5 votes)
Erramun m
15%(2 votes)
Errol m
27%(3 votes)
Evander 1 m  "Evander" seems to be present on every member's Favorite List... popularity and trendiness, regrettably, is on the rise. 
33%(7 votes)
Evaristus m
30%(2 votes)
Falk m  Fantastic! "Falk," "Falk!" 
28%(6 votes)
Felix m
78%(6 votes)
Ferapont m
20%(4 votes)
Ferenc m
40%(4 votes)
Feri m
15%(2 votes)
Ferruccio m
20%(4 votes)
Finn 1 m  While it is delightful, I see it potentially rising drastically in popularity. 
49%(11 votes)
Flick m
17%(3 votes)
Florry f
15%(2 votes)
Francis m  The name of ol' Blue Eyes himself: Francis Albert Sinatra. 
66%(11 votes)
Frankie m & f  The nickname that I go by. 
40%(8 votes)
Frode m
15%(2 votes)
Frodo m
15%(2 votes)
Gabriel m
59%(7 votes)
Gabriele 1 m
33%(4 votes)
Galahad m
25%(2 votes)
Gandalf m
25%(2 votes)
Gerard m
25%(2 votes)
Gilbert m  I first encountered "Gilbert" as a child, while both reading the books and watching the television series of "Anne of Green Gables." Since then, I have always held a soft spot for it. It is lovely. 
54%(8 votes)
Gilberto m  Refer above to "Gilbert." 
22%(5 votes)
Gilroy m
25%(2 votes)
Giovanni m  A definite favorite. 
47%(7 votes)
Glenn m
43%(4 votes)
Gregorio m  I do believe that I would have to mentally restrain myself from calling him "Gorey," though... I find it difficult to believe that people would react well. 
18%(5 votes)
Gregory m
68%(4 votes)
Gunther m  Any admiration for "Gunther" that I may have, is strictly restricted to the German pronunciation. GUWN-Ter. 
23%(6 votes)
Hamlet m
25%(2 votes)
Hank m  A nickname of "Henry." While I understand the culturally and contemporary distaste, my view will not falter. 
30%(7 votes)
Hannibal m  I like it, oddly. Never would use it, regardless. 
27%(7 votes)
Harald m
25%(2 votes)
Hayden m  I would never use it. As a character, it's fine. 
20%(7 votes)
Heber 1 m
27%(3 votes)
Hélder m
15%(2 votes)
Henry m  If you asked me why I have such an adoration for "Henry," you would soon find that I am unable to answer. Certain names just possess an unexplainable calling to you... this is one, personally. 
68%(11 votes)
Hercule m
15%(2 votes)
Hershel m
15%(2 votes)
Hikaru m
40%(3 votes)
Howard m
28%(4 votes)
Hugh m
53%(4 votes)
Hugo m  I cannot shake how smitten I am with this name! Under-appreciated, it is. 
65%(6 votes)
Humphrey m
25%(2 votes)
Ian m  "Ian" has always been a name that I did not despise, but at the same time, never truly liked. It has since grown on me, minimally. 
51%(10 votes)
Igor m
48%(4 votes)
Ildefonso m
15%(2 votes)
Ivan m  Among other things, "Ivan" seems extremely masculine to me. It is phenomenal. 
52%(9 votes)
Ivo 1 m
15%(2 votes)
Jack m  I cannot begin to explain how I adore "John"'s many diminutives! 
58%(10 votes)
Janus m
25%(2 votes)
Jared m
43%(3 votes)
Jean 1 m
68%(4 votes)
Jesper m
40%(3 votes)
Jethro m
43%(4 votes)
Jodoc m
15%(2 votes)
John m  There is a reason why I once lived on a street with five separate people bearing the name "John." 
46%(10 votes)
Judah m
15%(2 votes)
Kanani m
32%(5 votes)
Kaneonuskatew m
25%(2 votes)
Karsten m
15%(2 votes)
Kermit m
15%(2 votes)
Kirk m
44%(5 votes)
Klaus m
40%(6 votes)
Koen m
20%(2 votes)
Koenraad m
43%(4 votes)
Konstantinos m
20%(4 votes)
Kostadin m
15%(2 votes)
Kristijan m
15%(2 votes)
Kyriakos m
20%(4 votes)
Laurence 1 m
25%(2 votes)
Laurie m
40%(5 votes)
Lazarus m
57%(6 votes)
Legolas m
27%(3 votes)
Leith m & f
13%(3 votes)
Leofric m
15%(2 votes)
Leonard m
30%(6 votes)
Leonardo m  "Leonardo" speaks for itself, more or less. I am quite pleased with the name. 
35%(8 votes)
Leopold m
53%(4 votes)
Lestat m
38%(4 votes)
Lev 2 m
15%(2 votes)
Lincoln m  Very likely the single surname-turned-forenames that I actually approve of and, oddly enough, like. 
39%(8 votes)
London m
20%(4 votes)
Lorcán m
54%(5 votes)
Louie m  Marvelous nickname, usable from many first names. 
44%(8 votes)
Louis m  Pronounced "Loo-Ihs." 
55%(8 votes)
Lucan m
42%(6 votes)
Luciano m  "Luca" would be a fantastic diminutive. 
26%(5 votes)
Luke m  I am constantly altering my opinion of "Luke." Certain days it makes me want to vomit; certain days it makes me want to grin in positivity. 
23%(6 votes)
Lux m & f
28%(4 votes)
Magnus m
20%(3 votes)
Malachi m
68%(4 votes)
Manolo m  I first encountered the name while watching the film "There Be Dragons," and consequently began a rapid love of it. 
30%(5 votes)
Marcello m
30%(4 votes)
Marco m  It is great, but I feel that it is a bit expected of Italian-American parents, nowadays. 
48%(9 votes)
Marilyn f & m  This name raptures my being! ...particularly on the male gender, which I understand will not be the vast view. 
31%(8 votes)
Marius m
56%(5 votes)
Maverick m
33%(4 votes)
Melchior m
25%(2 votes)
Melchiorre m  Used with the intention of nickname'ing "Mel" or "Mick(ey)." 
28%(5 votes)
Melker m
15%(2 votes)
Merlin m
35%(4 votes)
Merry 2 m  I think that "Merry" would be a brilliant nickname! Unfortunately, there is much room for children to practice their cruelties upon the bearer. 
22%(5 votes)
Michelangelo m  Terribly pretentious... but I am drawn to it, and to it's many potential nicknames. 
26%(5 votes)
Miervaldis m
25%(4 votes)
Miklós m
43%(3 votes)
Milton m
40%(4 votes)
Monet f & m
15%(2 votes)
Moran m
37%(3 votes)
Mordecai m
65%(4 votes)
Morgan 1 m
62%(6 votes)
Mortimer m
40%(4 votes)
Mstislav m
40%(3 votes)
Narek m
25%(4 votes)
Neal m
25%(2 votes)
Neil m
25%(2 votes)
Nero 2 m  It would be very risky to use such a controversial nickname (for "Raniero.") I am fond, associations aside. 
18%(5 votes)
Nitin m
15%(2 votes)
Noor 1 f & m
38%(5 votes)
Norman m
42%(5 votes)
Odin m
37%(3 votes)
Odovacar m
45%(2 votes)
Omri m
60%(3 votes)
Onesiphorus m
20%(1 vote)
Orhan m
20%(1 vote)
Ori m & f
20%(1 vote)
Ottokar m
45%(2 votes)
Pallas 1 f
60%(2 votes)
Pantaleone m
30%(3 votes)
Paris 1 m
43%(4 votes)
Patrick m  Perhaps a bit 'common'... but it is timeless and free of tarnishes. 
57%(7 votes)
Paul m
72%(5 votes)
Paulie m  Used as a nickname. 
25%(6 votes)
Peregrine m
40%(4 votes)
Perseus m
20%(1 vote)
Pippin 2 m
40%(3 votes)
Porfirio m
23%(3 votes)
Prosper m
45%(2 votes)
Radek m  Very contemporary, very odd... never would I have imagined my liking for it, but I do. I suppose the occurrence can be credited to it appearing rather 'alien'; potentially Vulcan. 
25%(4 votes)
Raimondo m
40%(4 votes)
Ralph m  I've always wanted to meet a "Ralph" and call him "Ralphie-Boy." Hah. 
25%(4 votes)
Raniero m  Nickname "Nero"... although it is very controversial. 
25%(4 votes)
Ransu m
45%(2 votes)
Raymond m
40%(4 votes)
Reagan m & f  Ah, Mr. Ronald Reagan... where have you gone? The world needs you dearly. 
30%(6 votes)
Redmond m
47%(3 votes)
Redmund m
43%(4 votes)
Remus m  Even though I am a fan of the Harry Potter books, it is not the sole reason of my liking for "Remus." 
43%(7 votes)
Rémy m
53%(4 votes)
Ren m  "Ren" has long been a name of fidelity to me. Rewind into my childhood, I had a character that I used to sketch with this name. 
37%(6 votes)
Rhett m
20%(4 votes)
Riccardo m  Nickname "Ricky." 
25%(4 votes)
Rocky m  Likely as a nickname for "Robert(o)." 
33%(6 votes)
Rodolfo m  Magnificent. Nickname would be "Rudy." 
25%(4 votes)
Roger m  "Roger" has been steadily growing on me. Prior to all of this, I could not stand it. 
28%(6 votes)
Rohan 2 m & f
45%(2 votes)
Roland m
48%(4 votes)
Romulus m
23%(3 votes)
Roosevelt m
34%(5 votes)
Rosario m
54%(5 votes)
Rudolf m
20%(1 vote)
Rufus m
56%(5 votes)
Rutger m
20%(1 vote)
Ryan m
38%(5 votes)
Ryder m & f
30%(4 votes)
Sacha m
40%(3 votes)
Sacheverell m
20%(1 vote)
Sal m  Nickname to "Salvatore." 
20%(4 votes)
Salathiel m
20%(1 vote)
Salathihel m
20%(1 vote)
Salvatore m  Need I fabricate a reason? It is a splendid, strong name to bear. 
38%(6 votes)
Santiago m
62%(6 votes)
Santo m  While I personally see it as phenomenal, I highly doubt that children would be able to resist "Santa Claus" jabs. 
40%(6 votes)
Saul m
63%(3 votes)
Savaş m
20%(1 vote)
Saveliy m
23%(3 votes)
Scotty m  I keep screaming for you to beam me up! Why aren't you listening, Scotty? - A charming nickname. 
20%(4 votes)
Séafra m
47%(3 votes)
Severo m  A hands-down favorite! Professional, mysterious, utterly amazing. 
40%(5 votes)
Severus m  The same as "Severo." Truly enchanting. 
30%(6 votes)
Shalev m & f
23%(3 votes)
Shane m  I have traditionally always possessed a strong hate for this name... but since I have become a fan of The Walking Dead, civility and appreciation has developed for "Shane." 
10%(3 votes)
Sheldon m  While I would never use it, it is very oddly alluring... and growing in questionable popularity. 
16%(5 votes)
Silvestro m
38%(4 votes)
Sinclair m  The reason for "Sinclair"'s presence on my list is a mystery. I think has potential as a character name, and obviously as a surname. 
30%(4 votes)
Sirius m
55%(4 votes)
Sjra m
20%(1 vote)
Slade m  There is something slimy and deceiful about "Slade" that is very imprisoning. 
15%(2 votes)
Solon m
20%(1 vote)
Spartacus m  One of the single most pretentious names available. I love it, nonetheless. 
20%(4 votes)
Stefano m
55%(4 votes)
Stylianos m
30%(3 votes)
Sylvester m  "Sylvester" accompanies and nurtures such remarkable potential. The Italian "Silvestro" stands equally. 
44%(5 votes)
Tabassum m & f
23%(3 votes)
Taliesin m
20%(1 vote)
Tasgall m
23%(3 votes)
Thanatos m
35%(2 votes)
Theodore m
63%(8 votes)
Thiago m
53%(3 votes)
Thomas m  Besides this being a splendid name itself, I have known many a "Tom"/"Tommy"/"Thomas" bearers who give it a respectable reputation. 
48%(8 votes)
Tiago m
68%(4 votes)
Tiberius m  Any Trekkies out there? 
47%(7 votes)
Tin m  "Tin" has definite potential as a diminutive for numerous names. 
20%(4 votes)
Torcuil m
20%(1 vote)
Torgils m
20%(1 vote)
Torleif m
23%(3 votes)
Tuor m
20%(1 vote)
Turin m
45%(2 votes)
Ugo m
48%(5 votes)
Umberto m  It runs numerous risks in English-speaking countries, sadly. My ardor will live on, though. 
43%(6 votes)
Valentin m
57%(3 votes)
Valentine 1 m
45%(2 votes)
Valentino m
60%(4 votes)
Valère m
65%(2 votes)
Valko m
30%(3 votes)
Vasil m
47%(3 votes)
Viggo m
55%(2 votes)
Vincenzo m  "Vinny" or "Vinnie." 
30%(4 votes)
Virgil m
47%(3 votes)
Vitale m
30%(3 votes)
Vittorio m  "Tor(e)" would be an interesting nickname. 
45%(6 votes)
Vladimir m
65%(2 votes)
Volkan m
45%(2 votes)
Vulcan m
38%(4 votes)
Walter m  Definitely an 'old man's name'... but it would be entirely refreshing and handsome on a young man. 
42%(6 votes)
Warren m  I have always struggled in a love/hate relationship with this name. Paired with certain surnames, it is fantastic; paired with certain surnames, it is an atrocity. 
30%(4 votes)
Willard m
40%(2 votes)
Winoc m
40%(4 votes)
Wolfgang m  Without a German ethnic-background and surname (neither of which I possess), "Wolfgang" should never be put to use. 
63%(6 votes)
Wulfric m
34%(7 votes)
Xerxes m
53%(3 votes)
Yves m
58%(4 votes)
Zheng m
23%(3 votes)
Zimri m
63%(4 votes)