Philidel's Personal Name List

Name M/F Remark Rating
Achille m
43%(19 votes)
Alex m
63%(17 votes)
Anderson m  Most properly in the combo Anderson Giles. 
50%(17 votes)
Andreas m
51%(16 votes)
Antonin m
57%(15 votes)
Arseni m
44%(16 votes)
Benjamin m
68%(17 votes)
Camille m & f
50%(16 votes)
Casimir m
58%(16 votes)
Cassius m
53%(19 votes)
Clément m  Besides being a lovely name, I am also a big fan of Clément Janequin, the French composer. 
49%(14 votes)
Colin 1 m
62%(18 votes)
Cyril m
63%(16 votes)
Damian m
48%(5 votes)
David m
72%(6 votes)
Dominique m  Am I the only who thinks this is a gorgeous masculine name? '-' 
43%(15 votes)
Dorian m
59%(15 votes)
Duncan m
74%(5 votes)
Gabriel m
71%(14 votes)
Giles m
58%(14 votes)
Guilherme m
34%(14 votes)
Heliodoro m
49%(14 votes)
Henry m
60%(15 votes)
Ibrahim m
53%(13 votes)
Idris 2 m
55%(16 votes)
Indra m
46%(14 votes)
Irwin m
48%(13 votes)
Isidoro m
47%(14 votes)
Joachim m
49%(13 votes)
Jon 2 m
49%(13 votes)
Jonathan m
48%(5 votes)
Jude 1 m
69%(14 votes)
Marin m & f  Pronounced 'mar-INN' for boys and 'MER-in' for girls. Also used as a surname. 
49%(14 votes)
Michaël m
53%(13 votes)
Miloš m
68%(14 votes)
Misha m
58%(14 votes)
Mordechai m
54%(14 votes)
Morris m
39%(13 votes)
Neil m
52%(13 votes)
Nikolai m
69%(14 votes)
Noah 1 m
93%(6 votes)
Oliver m
50%(6 votes)
Otto m
51%(14 votes)
Percival m
54%(14 votes)
Philemon m
52%(13 votes)
Philippe m
54%(13 votes)
Romain m
53%(13 votes)
Rupert m
53%(14 votes)
Stefan m  Pronounced 'shte-FAHN'. 
49%(14 votes)
Sylvain m
56%(16 votes)
Tate m
39%(13 votes)
Theodore m  Most properly in the combo Theodore Rupert. :) 
63%(15 votes)
Valérian m
61%(14 votes)
Virgílio m
48%(14 votes)
Yves m
50%(14 votes)
Zephyr m
61%(14 votes)