Name List: Names

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Name M/F Remark Rating
Agathe f Like both the French and German pronunciations; also Agda
Alberta f Alberta Elizabeth; also Albertine
Alphonsine f
Anfisa f
Angharad f
Anthony m Anthony Peter Raymond; also like feminine variants Antonia, Antonina, Antolina
Aron m Also like Haroun/Harun
Boris m Boris Koloman, Karl Boris
Catherine f Also like Catharine
Ceridwen f
Christophine f
Clara f
Clarity f
Day m
Denis m Also Dennis
Douglas m Like as a middle name; William Douglas, Stephen Douglas
Elizabeth f Slightly prefer this spelling to Elisabeth
Emil m Emil Denis, Emil Richard, Emil Titus
Evelyn f Evelyn Patricia
Fatima f
Fidelia f
Fidelma f "Del"; Fidelma Marion, Fidelma Joyce
Frank m Also like Franck
Gisela f Pr. GEE-se-la
Haie m
Heather f
Hedwig f Also the Polish form Jadwiga
Homer m Homer Philip
Honora f Honora Patricia; also Honorine
Jane f
Jerome m
Jolanda f "Jola"
Jóska m
Joyce f / m
Julia f
Karl m Karl Boris, Karl Robert, Karl Marx ;-)
Kasimira m Also the Polish Kazimiera
Kerttu f
Kjell m
Koloman m "Kolo," Boris Koloman
Louisa f nn Lula or Lou
Ludmila f
Ludwig m Also Ludwik, Ludvik; nn Ludo
Lydia f
Mafalda f
Magdalen f Also spelled Magdalene, and to a lesser extent Magdalena; Thekla Magdalen, Magdalen Rohesia, Magdalene Dolores
Magnus m
Maimu f
Mallory f
Maria m As a masculine middle name inspired by Rainer Maria Rilke and Erich Maria Remarque; Karl Maria, Robert Maria, Rochus Maria
Martha f
Marx m
Mary f Mary Mercy Patricia "Mary Mercy"
Mehmet m Mehmet Nestor
Mercy f
Mímir m
Miriam f Miriam Fatima, Miriam Noor
Mitrodora f
Moema f
Moriah f Moriah Christophine, Moriah Thomasin, Moriah Catherine
Mose m
Ness 2 m A la the EarthBound character ;-)
Nestor m Stephen Nestor
Noll m Like it as a nickname for Nicholas
Ottilia f Nicknamed Tilly; also like Odilia ("Odie") and Ottoline
Otto m
Patricia m Evelyn Patricia, Romaine Patricia, Honora Patricia
Peter m Peter Roch, Peter Anthony Raymond
Philip m Philip Homer
Pike m Like it as an English word name (rather than the submitted meaning in the database)
Raúl m
Reason m / f
Return m
Roberta m Nicknamed Robbie; also love Robert (m)
Roch m Peter Roch, Roch Maria
Rohesia f Also Rohese, Rose, Rosa
Romaine f My favorite out of all the -aine names I like, followed by Lorraine, Elaine, and Germaine
Samuel m "Samu;" also like the feminine Samuela
Sigmund m Also Sigmunda (f) and Ziga; nicknamed Sigi
Sinjin m Also spelled St. John
Stephen m Stephen Richard, Stephen Nestor
Tarka f
Thekla f
Theodora f Pr. tay-o-DORE-a; nicknamed Theda pr. TED-a
Theudelinda f Prefer variant Theodolind
Thomasin f
Tihomir m Also Tihomira and the similar Tihomil/Tihomila; "Tiho"
Timon m
Tinatini f So fun to say ;-)
Titus m
Verity f
Walenty m "Val"
Wat m Looking for a name that could justify this as a nickname; also like Bat, with the same dilemma
William m Also like Guillaume
Zvonimir m Prefer the spelling Zwonimir; also like the feminine Zvonimira