Name List: Main

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Name M/F Remark
Aidan m I like this spelling only
Aislinn f It is NOT pronounced "Ace-lynn", people!
Alana f
Alannah f I definitely prefer this spelling
Alena 1 f
Alexander m One of my favorite boy names!
Alexandra f If it's gonna be a girl...
Alice f Oh, all right, I did get ONE name from a book!
Allison f I like the 2 L's
Amanda f
Amelia f
Andrew m I've known a few
Angel f Maybe as a middle name...
Ann f no "E"
Anna f My grandmother's name is Anna
Annabel f This is the only spelling I like - but not with "Lee", obviously
Ariana f Think I like this spelling better
Astrid f too much ass? I'll bet the emphasis is on the 2nd syllable in Scandinavia
Aurora f Prettier than Dawn...but a little drunken sounding. I'd kill anyone who called her Rory, though.
Autumn f Not if she was born in the fall...too cliche
Ben 1 m
Benedict m I sort of like it, but I wouldn't dare use it.
Benjamin m
Bennett m
Brennan m
Brian m It's growing on me. Never considered it before.
Briana f too short?
Brianna f Think I like this spelling better
Bridget f I don't really like Brigid as much as this one... I'd miss the "T" sound
Caitlin f There's only a few spellings I can stand
Carly f
Cassandra f Definitely C
Cassie f
Catherine f C seems too old fashioned
Chelsea f
Chloe f
Christian m I'm not, but who cares?
Christopher m
Ciarán m prefer this spelling
Claire f
Claudia f It's a little snobby, but still not a bad name
Colin 2 m kind of old sounding...
Connor m two N's and an O definitely
Crystal f What's so wrong with it?
Daniel m One of my favorite boy names!!
Declan m
Dinah f My very first friend was named Dinah.
Duncan m mmm...donuts...No, I would smack anyone who started that crap w/my kid
Elena f
Elizabeth f the fail-safe middle name
Ellen 1 f My Nana's name...
Emma f
Evan m
Gretchen f
Hannah f One of my favorite girl names!!
Heather f Another of my favorite girl names
Ian m
Ilona f not a popular spelling, but it's not bad
Isobel f
Jordan m / f prefer it for a boy, though
Joshua m A lot of my crushes seem to be named Josh...
Julian m I never used to think it was too feminine until people started complaining
Katherine f Lately I like "K" better than "C"
Kieran m it's all right, but I like the other spelling better
Lila 1 f
Lilia f
Lily f
Lindsay f Almost thinking of dropping this...
Lydia f
Lynn f It's my middle name - but I still like it : )
Mackenzie m I only like it as a middle name - for a BOY
Madeline f Is it still too close to the character? A nice middle name.
Mara 2 f Does it really mean "bitter"? No, I am not a Star Wars novel fan...
Marie f I don't think it's filler; I really like it
Matthew m
Maximillian m too long and weird?
Megan f No "h", thanks. It was one of my faves for a while.
Melanie f
Melissa f
Michaela f I only like THIS spelling!
Morgan 1 f / m I'm leaning more towards girl on this one
Nadia 1 f
Natalie f no "h"
Nathaniel m
Nicholas m unless he's a December baby
Nina 1 f
Noah 1 m
Noelle f same as Nicholas - not in December
Nolan m
Oliver m it's a family name
Olivia f I would only use it if I wasn't using Oliver. It's pretty and it's growing on me,though
Oriana f hmm...
Owen 2 m
Rachel f One of my favorite girl names!!
Renée f I like it as a middle name, and also would consider it honoring somebody
Róisín f I love it, but the poor kid would be called "Raisin" for her entire life.
Rónán m Seal, huh? Well, I like it, but it's a bit strong
Samara f Never saw The Ring, and I really don't care - people still use Damian, right?
Savannah f definitely a guilty pleasure
Seán m This spelling is much, much better
Sebastian m One of my favorite boy names!
Simon 1 m
Sophie f
Spencer m The first guy I had a crush on was named Spencer.
Taylor m / f I'm not really sure who I'd prefer it on. I don't think it's nearly as bad as people say
Vincent m Can't stand the nicknames "Vince" or "Vinnie"
Violet f perhaps my love of purple? No, it's coming back more thanks to ASOUE
Xavier m
Zachary m