Name List: T.H. Servine

Standard view
Name M/F Remark
Alcyone f 'kingfisher'. NOT YET USED
Andromache f 'battle of a man'. NOT YET USED
Aveline f 'desired'. Section 2: Dancer Girl
Barbara f 'foreign'. Patron of Stone Masons
Cambria f 'the people'. Section 3: MFC
Connor m 'dog/wolf lover'. Section 3: High School Kid 4
Cyneburga f 'royal fortress'. NOT YET USED
Darius m 'to possess good'. Section 3: ---
Hortensia f 'garden'. Section 1: T.H. Servine
Janna f Section 2: Co-Pilot
Korë f 'maiden'. Section 2: Co-Pilot [Last Name]
Kristine f 'anointed'. Section 3: High School Kid 1
Lucas m Section 3: High School Kid 6
Marcus m Section 2: Sergeant-Major
Rebekah f 'a snare'. Section 3: High School Kid 5
Tamara f 'spice / palm tree'. Section 1: T.H. Servine
Tyler m / f 'tiler of roofs'. Section 3: High School Kid 3