Working Class Hero's Personal Name List

Name M/F Remark Rating
Adelaide f  As a mn for Elizabeth? 
69%(14 votes)
Adonis m  Strong, handsome, masculine - phwoar 
45%(11 votes)
Aleksy m  Exotic alternative to Alexei 
51%(10 votes)
Alexander m  Perhaps Aleksandr would make a better mn? 
72%(13 votes)
Alexandra f  Simpler than Alexandria. A possible mn? 
58%(11 votes)
Alexandria f  Alexandra, Alexia, Alexa, Lexie, Lex, Lux, Andrea, Andie, Ria, Lea, Xandra... 
63%(11 votes)
Alfred m  How sweet it this? And with nn Alfie? And for Housman? 
54%(8 votes)
Alice f
84%(11 votes)
Amelia f  Beautifully elegant, endlessly classy 
68%(11 votes)
Angelina f
38%(9 votes)
Arabella f  Beautiful, with nn Belle? 
64%(9 votes)
Ari 3 m
59%(8 votes)
Artemis f  Could this be any cooler? Awesome mn potential 
60%(9 votes)
Arthur m  Very classy - should be used more often 
63%(10 votes)
Atticus m  Finch! Cool reference and sound 
65%(11 votes)
August m
67%(11 votes)
Benjamin m  With nn Ben or Jamie. Cute but not brilliant 
65%(11 votes)
Bram m  So I dislike Abraham and Abram - do I have to dislike their nns? Heck no! 
52%(10 votes)
Callisto 2 f  So exotic and strangely feminine despite the seemingly masculine ending 
58%(10 votes)
Cash m  Short for Cassius? So bloody cool! For Johnny 
44%(9 votes)
Cassandra f  With nn Cassia or Cassie. Truly beautiful 
58%(9 votes)
Cassiopeia f  Something special 
53%(8 votes)
Cecily f  Fan-bloody-tastic. Causegirl has lovely taste :-) 
54%(7 votes)
Charlotte f  Definetely a Top 5 
58%(12 votes)
Cillian m  Unfortunate sound but still a temptation 
50%(11 votes)
Claire f  Me - would be lovely if not for the popularity 
65%(11 votes)
Cora f
55%(11 votes)
Daisy f  As a nn for Margaret. Lovely 
55%(8 votes)
Damian m  dahm-ee-ehn - so much cooler than Damien, the devil 
58%(8 votes)
Dara 1 m  So wonderful but sounds rather feminine 
46%(8 votes)
Dashiell m  Dash - could a name be any cooler? 
50%(8 votes)
Dylan m  Bob - unfortunately common but still wonderful. Perhaps more usable in the future? 
49%(8 votes)
Édith f
53%(8 votes)
Eleanor f
71%(11 votes)
Eli 2 m  Love Eli, just not Elijah 
58%(9 votes)
Elizabeth f
72%(11 votes)
Esmé m & f  Spelt Esmée (feminine) 
58%(9 votes)
Eva f  Particularly as a nn for Evangeline 
58%(9 votes)
Evander 1 m  Pretty cool - Evander could only turn out to be a wonderful man 
61%(11 votes)
Evangeline f  Name perfection 
60%(10 votes)
Ezra m  I'm in lurve with this 
55%(8 votes)
Faith f  What could be bad about a name with this meaning? 
46%(12 votes)
Fiona f  A grower. Positive connotations galore 
54%(10 votes)
Frankie f  Unfortunately I dislike Francesca and hate Frances 
44%(9 votes)
Frederick m  A classy classic 
55%(10 votes)
Gabriel m  Something so soft, graceful and angelic (wonder why?) 
66%(10 votes)
Genevieve f  Joie de vivre 
65%(8 votes)
George m  Good, sturdy George 
59%(8 votes)
Georgia f  OK, so maybe I'm biased towards this one... 
69%(9 votes)
Georgiana f  More elegant than Georgia 
55%(10 votes)
Gilbert m
47%(9 votes)
Gwendolen f  Gwen = coolness 
55%(11 votes)
Harper f  It has a strange pull to it. I adore it completely 
56%(10 votes)
Henry m  How can this not make everybody's PNL? 
64%(10 votes)
Hugo m
66%(10 votes)
Ignatius m  Sparky, witty, wise - this name speaks volumes to me 
44%(8 votes)
Imogen f  I've liked it forever - maybe I'll love it one day 
64%(10 votes)
Indigo m  For if I name a son whilst high on drugs 
45%(8 votes)
Ira 1 m
46%(7 votes)
Iris f  Falling more and more in love with it every day 
67%(9 votes)
Isaac m
68%(9 votes)
Isabella f  Heart-breakingly common but lovely family ties 
66%(10 votes)
Iseult f  Urgh - could there be a better sound? Exponentially better than Isolde 
56%(7 votes)
Isla f
60%(9 votes)
Israel m
36%(8 votes)
Ivy f  Ivy Evangeline is one of the best combos of all time 
73%(9 votes)
Jacob m  Son #4 - it is wonderful isn't it? 
68%(11 votes)
James m  I can just see a little Jem now...such a fantastic name 
74%(13 votes)
Jane f
65%(11 votes)
Jasper m  My little bit of poshness 
67%(12 votes)
Jem m  Best nn there is for James 
53%(6 votes)
Jett m  Coolness abounds 
54%(8 votes)
Johnny m  So much better than just John - this has true spunk 
45%(8 votes)
Joshua m  So common but it has the most wonderful sound 
54%(8 votes)
Jude 1 m  A growing favourite; always in the back of my mind 
71%(10 votes)
Judith f
49%(8 votes)
Jules 1 m
50%(8 votes)
Juliette f  Or potentially Juliet? Lovely either way 
58%(9 votes)
June f
57%(7 votes)
Kaiser m  Again, coolest of the cool but totally GP 
43%(8 votes)
Kate f  Simple and elegant but too common to use. Eva Kate? 
69%(10 votes)
Laurence 1 m  Laurie - how I wish to meet a Laurie! 
49%(9 votes)
Leander m
58%(10 votes)
Lena f
50%(9 votes)
Leo m
66%(11 votes)
Liberty f & m
47%(11 votes)
Liesel f
60%(7 votes)
Lily f
65%(10 votes)
Lorelei f
65%(10 votes)
Louis m
74%(9 votes)
Louisa f
56%(8 votes)
Lucas m
62%(9 votes)
Luella f
50%(8 votes)
Luna f
69%(9 votes)
Lux f & m
72%(9 votes)
Malachi m
43%(6 votes)
Margaret f
64%(9 votes)
Marianna f
60%(7 votes)
Marisol f
49%(7 votes)
Marissa f
49%(7 votes)
Martha f
48%(8 votes)
Matilda f
73%(11 votes)
Milly f
48%(8 votes)
Minerva f
56%(8 votes)
Minnie f
53%(7 votes)
Miranda f
61%(9 votes)
Molly f
69%(11 votes)
Monica f
53%(7 votes)
Mordecai m
32%(6 votes)
Natasha f
53%(7 votes)
Nathaniel m
50%(7 votes)
Nerissa f
59%(7 votes)
Nikolai m
60%(9 votes)
Noah 1 m
72%(9 votes)
Nova f
69%(9 votes)
Octavia f
54%(9 votes)
Oliver m
67%(9 votes)
Olivia f
61%(8 votes)
Olwen f
58%(10 votes)
Orion m
59%(8 votes)
Orla 1 f
45%(8 votes)
Ottoline f
30%(8 votes)
Pearl f
45%(8 votes)
Persephone f
56%(9 votes)
Philip m
64%(9 votes)
Phoebe f
70%(10 votes)
Pollux m
46%(8 votes)
Raphael m
57%(9 votes)
Rémy m
56%(9 votes)
Renata f
47%(7 votes)
Ruby f
62%(9 votes)
Rudy m
30%(9 votes)
Saffron f
56%(9 votes)
Saoirse f
54%(9 votes)
Sawyer m & f
58%(10 votes)
Schuyler m & f
48%(10 votes)
Scout f & m
49%(9 votes)
Séamus m
65%(11 votes)
Seth 1 m
58%(8 votes)
Sienna f
68%(10 votes)
Silvia f
50%(10 votes)
Silvie f
48%(9 votes)
Sophia f
69%(10 votes)
Sunny f & m
46%(8 votes)
Tatum f & m
58%(10 votes)
Theo m
67%(9 votes)
Theodore m
69%(10 votes)
Tristan m
53%(8 votes)
Vaughn m
49%(10 votes)
Viggo m
56%(10 votes)
Violet f
67%(10 votes)
William m
69%(10 votes)
Willoughby m & f
45%(10 votes)
Wynne 1 m & f
46%(9 votes)
Yelizaveta f
34%(9 votes)