Name List: Interesting Meanings

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Name M/F Remark Rating
Abaddon m *ruin, destruction
Abital f *my father is the night dew
Adisa m *one who is clear
Aella f *whirlwind
Agrona f *battle, slaughter
Ahtahkakoop m *star blanket
Aiday f *moon child
Aino f *the only one
Ajax m *mourner
Alberich m *elf power
Alcippe f *mighty mare
Alcyone f *kingfisher
Alethea f *truth
Algernon m *having a moustache
Alma 1 f *nourishing
Álmos m *sleepy, dreamy
Alphaeus m *changing
Altair m *the flyer
Alyssa f *against madness/rabies
Amaterasu f *shining over heaven
Ambrose m *immortal
Amice f *friend
Amity f *friendship
Anaxagoras m *master of speech
Antigone f *against birth
Araceli f *altar of the sky
Arachne f *spider
Archimedes m *master of thought
Ardghal m *high valour
Arethusa f *to become excellent
Arista f *ear of corn
Aristotle m *the best purpose
Aurangzeb m *honouring the throne
Aurelius m *golden, gilded
Avalon f *apple
Avedis m *good news
Ayala f *doe, gazelle, hind
Ayelet f *gazelle, hind
Aysel f *moon stream
Bamidele m *follow me home
Beatrix f *voyager, traveller
Beauregard m *beautiful outlook
Beelzebub m *lord of the flies
Belial m *worthless
Belinda f *beautiful, soft, tender, serpent, dragon
Bethany f *house of figs
Blaise m *lisping
Blodeuwedd f *face of flowers
Blythe f / m *cheerful
Boniface m *good fate
Braith f / m *speckled
Branimir m *protection, great, famous, peace, world
Buster m *person who breaks things
Caelestis m *of the sky, heavenly
Calvin m *bald
Calypso f *she that conceals
Cambria f *the people
Cameron m / f *crooked nose
Cassarah f *what will be, will be
Cerberus m *demon of the pit
Ceridwen f *blessed poetry
Channary f *moon-faced girl
Clark m *cleric, scribe, priest, scholar
Claudius m *lame, crippled
Clímaco m *ladder
Conall m *strong wolf
Concordia f *harmony
Corentin m *hurricane
Cormac m *son of defilement
Cuauhtémoc m *falling eagle
Culhwch m *hiding place of the pig
Cyrus m *far sighted
Dagmar f *day maid
Damhán m *fawn, stag, ox
Deborah f *bee
Deimos m *terror
Demeter 1 f *earth mother
Demostrate f *army of the people
Desdemona f *ill-fated
Diantha f *heavenly flower
Dima 1 f *downpour
Durward m *door guard
Ealdwine m *old friend
Eira 1 f *snow
Eirlys f *snowdrop
Ekaitz m *storm
Elam m *hidden
Electra f *amber
Elowen f *elm tree
Enfys m / f *rainbow
Enid f *soul, life
Eoforhild f *boar battle
Eoforwine m *boar friend
Eoghan m *born from the yew tree
Éowyn f *horse joy
Epiphany f *sudden appearance, sudden perception, manifestation
Eris f *strife
Étaín f *jealousy
Eulalia f *to talk well
Eunomia f *good order
Eurydice f *wide justice
Evren m / f *cosmos, the universe
Faunus m *to befriend
Felinus m *cat-like
Fiammetta f *little fire
Fintan m *white fire or white bull
Fiorella f *little flower
Fishel m *little fish
Folami m / f *respect and honour me
Fungai m *think/"fun guy"
Galen m *calm
George m *farmer, earthworker
Goran m *mountain man
Gormlaith f *illustrious princess
Goyathlay m *one who yawns
Gudrun f *god's secret lore
Gwenith f *wheat
Gwyneira f *white snow
Hadley f / m *heather field
Hale 2 m *nook, retreat
Harisha m *lord of monkeys
Hecate f *far off
Hermes m *cairn, pile of stones, messenger
Hinata f / m *facing the sun
Hortensia f *garden
Iacchus m *to shout
Idony f *to love again
Ilan m *tree
Ilta f *evening
Inanna f *lady of the sky
Indra m *possessing drops of rain
Irati f *fern field
Iris f *rainbow
Ismene f *knowledge
Isra f *nocturnal journey
Iðunn f *to love again
Itzal m *shadow
Ixchel f *rainbow lady
Jael f *mountain goat
Julius m *downy-bearded
Kalliope f *beautiful voice
Kaneonuskatew m *one that walks on four claws
Karesinda f *worthy of a caress
Keely f *slender
Keshet m / f *rainbow
Kimiko f *she who is without equal
Kiri f *skin of a tree or fruit
Koralo m *coral
Koray m *ember moon
Lalawethika m *he makes noise
Lalita f / m *playful, charming, desirable
Leander m *lion of a man
Leelo f *folk song
Leto f *hidden, forgotten
Líadan f *grey lady
Lindita f *the day is born
Llinos f *greenfinch
Llyr m *the sea
Lumi f *snow
Lysander m *a release of a man
Madoc m *fortunate
Maeve f *intoxicating
Maitland m *inhospitable
Mallory f *unfortunate
Marijani f *coral
Marinus m *of the sea
Marja f *berry
Mavourneen f *my darling
Mehetabel f *God makes happy
Melantha f *dark flower
Merit 1 m *deserving
Methoataske f *turtle laying its eggs
Miela f *honey-sweet
Mirabelle f *wonderful
Mireille f *to admire
Mneme f *memory
Moa f *mother
Muirne f *festive
Myron m *sweet oil, perfume
Nadim m *drinking companion
Nahor m *snorting
Nahum m *comforter
Naida f *water nymph
Naira f *big eyes
Nanuq m *polar bear
Nausicaa f *burner of ships
Nayeli f *I love you
Nefertiti f *the beautiful one has come
Neil m *champion or cloud
Nemo m *nobody
Nephele f *cloudy
Nereida f *nymphs, sea sprites
Nicholas m *victory of the people
Nicodemus m *victory of the people
Nimrod m *rebel
Nneka f *my mother is supreme
Nnenna f *father's mother (reincarnation of grandmother)
Nnenne f *mother's mother (reincarnation of grandmother)
Noelani f *heavenly mist
Nyarai f *be humble
Nyx f *night
Odhrán m *little pale green one
Odin m *inspiration, rage, frenzy
Odysseus m *to hate
Olwen f *white footprint
Omri m *my sheaf
Orabela f *golden-beautiful
Otto m *wealth, fortune
Øyvind m *island wind
Paloma f *dove, pigeon
Parisa f *like a fairy
Parthenope f *maiden's voice
Parvaneh f *butterfly
Parvati f *daughter of the mountains
Penelope f *a type of duck, or threads, weft
Perdita f *lost
Peregrine m *traveller
Persephone f *to destroy/murder
Perseus m *to destroy
Philip m *friend of horses
Philomena f *friend of strength
Phrixus m *thrilling, causing shivers
Pocahontas f *she is playful
Pollux m *very sweet
Portia f *pig
Przemysław m *thought and glory
Psyche f *the soul
Pyry m *snowstorm, blizzard
Quetzalcoatl m *feathered snake
Quirinus m *spear
Qusay m *distant
Rabi 1 m *springtime
Rhys m *enthusiasm
Rocío f *dew
Rónán m *little seal
Rosalind f *horse, soft, tender
Rosamund f *horse protection
Roscoe m *doe wood
Ruaidhrí m *red king
Rukmini f *adorned with gold
Saoirse f *freedom
Satu f *fairy tale, fable
Savitri f *relating to the sun
Sela f *rock
Selah f *musical pause, pause and reflect
Seraphina f *fiery ones
Shashi m / f *having a hare
Shihab m *shooting star, meteor
Sigrún f *secret victory
Silvius m *wood, forest
Sirius m *burning
Sirpa f *small piece, fragment
Somerled m *summer traveller
Sophus m *skilled, clever
Sprita f *witty
Stelara f *like a constellation
Sunniva f *sun gift
Sunshine f *take a guess ;)
Tacey f *be silent
Taj m *crown
Taliesin m *shining brow
Talitha f *little girl
Talon m *talon, claw
Tanith f *serpent lady
Tariq m *he who knocks at the door
Taru f *legend, myth
Teague m *poet
Tecumseh m *panther passing across
Tenskwatawa m *open door
Tesni f *warmth from the sun
Thaddeus m *possibly means heart
Thalia f *to blossom
Theron m *hunter
Thor m *thunder
Toirdhealbhach m *instigator
Tolga m *helmet
Tondra f *like thunder
Torin m *chief
Trahaearn m *very much like iron
Tristan m *sad
Tural m *to be alive
Väinämöinen m *wide and slow-flowing river
Valdís f *the dead goddess
Vanamo f *twinflower
Vasco m *crow
Veda f *knowledge
Vellamo f *to surge, to swell
Vercingetorix m *king over warriors
Virva f *will o' the wisp
Vladimir m *to rule with greatness
Wickaninnish m *having no one in front of him in the canoe
Wolfgang m *wolf path
Wolfram m *wolf raven
Worknesh f *you are like gold
Xenia f *hospitality
Xochiquetzal f *flower feather
Zahrah f *blooming flower
Zarathustra m *golden camel
Žarko m *ember, zeal, fervour
Zillah f *shade
Zola 2 f *quiet, tranquil
Zona f *girdle, belt
Zoticus m *full of life
Zubaida f *elite, prime, cream
Zulfiqar m *cleaver of the spine
Zyanya f *forever, always