Feorsteorra's Personal Name List

Name M/F Remark Rating
Akash m  son of Tarek (twin to Najm) 
36%(7 votes)
Alistair m  son of Fiona and Bailey (twin to Isobel) 
57%(9 votes)
Aodhàn m  son of Sara and Adrien 
53%(6 votes)
Ayelet f  daughter of Jared (twin to Moishe) 
40%(6 votes)
Blaise m & f  son of Kendra and Sherman 
55%(8 votes)
Bryn m & f  daughter of Sharon and Maximillion (twin to Fox) 
60%(7 votes)
Delenn f  daughter of Phil (twin to Bareil) 
37%(6 votes)
Eternity f  daughter of Mission and Ethan 
58%(8 votes)
Fable m & f  son of Mission and Ethan 
47%(6 votes)
Fox m & f  son of Sharon and Maximillion (twin to Bryn) 
49%(9 votes)
Haylee f  daughter of Ashley and Waring (divorced) 
49%(7 votes)
Hunter m & f  son of Naomi and Vincent 
46%(7 votes)
Isaiah m  son of Aaron (twin to Zechariah) 
74%(7 votes)
Isobel f  daughter of Fiona and Bailey (twin to Alistair) 
62%(9 votes)
Maxwell m  son of Sharon and Maximillion 
65%(8 votes)
Moishe m  son of Jared (twin to Ayelet) 
52%(6 votes)
Najm m  son of Tarek (twin to Akash) 
54%(5 votes)
Skyler m & f  son of Agora and Greg 
69%(9 votes)
Sterling m  son of Alexa and Mickey 
61%(7 votes)
Zechariah m  son of Aaron (twin to Isaiah) 
46%(7 votes)