Submitted Place Name Revision History

loadingDate    Editor    Change Summary
2/19/2020, 2:11 PM HL
2/19/2020, 2:11 PM HL
2/12/2020, 11:31 AM Mike C
3/10/2018, 11:15 AM HL
3/10/2018, 11:13 AM HL
3/6/2017, 11:15 AM HL
11/10/2016, 2:42 PM HL
6/20/2016, 6:26 AM HL
6/3/2016, 9:52 PM HL

Name Caucasus
Type Mountain
Usage English
Pronounced Pron. /ˈkɔː.kə.səs/
Other Forms FormsCaucasia
Theme ice
Edit Status Status3. usages AND description are verified

Meaning & History

From Greek Καύκασος (Kaúkasos), which is of uncertain origin; it may be derived from Scythian *xrohukäsi meaning "ice-shining" or "white snow". Alternatively, it may be from Greek κήξ (kḗx) meaning "sea swallow (a kind of bird)" and κάσος (kásos) possibly meaning "mountain" or "rock". This is the name of a mountain range in Eurasia.
Added 6/3/2016 by HL