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Type Settlement
Other Forms Forms(Historical) Novosedeliz, Nausedlicz, Neusserlicz, Nausterlitz

Meaning & History

The historic German name for the Czech town of Slavkov u Brna, derived from Latin Nova sedes meaning "new settlement". Over time the name evolved, with the spelling "Austerlitz" first documented in 1611. Earlier spellings of the town's name include Novosedeliz (1237), Nausedlicz (1322), Neusserlicz (1343), and Nausterlitz (1460).

In the early 19th century Austerlitz was under control of the Austrian Empire, and during the Napoleonic Wars the town gave its name to the nearby Battle of Austerlitz in 1805. It was in commemoration of this conflict for which a number of other locations were later named Austerlitz, including settlements founded in Poland and New York, and the Parisian train station Gare d'Austerlitz.

The surname Austerlitz is also derived from this location.
Added 11/16/2022 by wilderneyes
Edited 11/16/2022 by wilderneyes