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[Facts] Jensen? meaning?
Is Jensen a real name? I cannot find it in the database. If so, is it male or female? What is the original spelling? Is it from John? thanks so muchHannah
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It's a Danish last name...I'm Danish and it means: "Son of Jens".Jens is the Danish form of John, so I guess the English form would be Johnson.I would never like it as a first name, since it's our, I believe, our most common last name. I think it's the #1 on our list, over most common last names and Hansen as #2. (Hansen = "Son of Hans".)- Charlie
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what does the last name Bertelsen mean
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BertelsenI would say: "Son of Berthold".Andy ;—)
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What does the last name Bertelsen mean?
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Oh yeah btw. It's pronounced...YEN-sehn if you're interested in knowing that.- Charlie
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thanks...(m)I pronounced it right off the bat like that because I'm german :)
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It's my Chem teacher's last name... not helpful but true
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