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[Facts] so is this message board cleared at the start of every month?
because if it is
why would someone (ie. me) put a message up on today for example with the chance no one from this website will ever read it?
im just curious, no offence, i absolutly adore this website
tomorrow ill post a list of old family names (that i can't see you have) and some other stuff
(i just found this site a little while ago, and the message board last night, so im just leary posting all that info, and it will get deleted b4 neone sees it)
(and i dont want to repeat myself and people get mad... ie. Nanaea ^_^ )
bye for now
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so is this message board cleared at the start of every month?  ·  Silver  ·  11/30/2001, 6:28 PM
I see my reputation precedes me. :)  ·  Nanaea  ·  11/30/2001, 7:14 PM