[Facts] I need a great new unique and wildly unused and unheard of name for my new novel
The book, my 19th,(none i have started to write, they create to much emotional stress and take up a lot of time)
is called
'Sage of Sirens'
Which is using the word sage, not as the spice, or plant, but as the wise prophet
and Siren, not as the greek mythological sence, but the modern siren, which suduces men to tune her skills
It is a different sort of seduction, they have evolved from that of lust, to one of love, and to win their hearts, finding it muych mroe difficult
The heroin of my story is a Siren by blood, and goes about stealing mens hearts (ok, this is the very basics, i dotn liek giving lots away)
one guy, who she has been working on for a long time, and gets bored with. A girl she has never met, also a siren, lours him in.
(certain characteristics are admirable, making them harder to get, therefor making them more of a target)
she realizes how jealous she is, and the main point of the story is, all these years, not many of them stopped to think why they did it
they just understood it was in their blood, and that is the way life is
they are just a lonly lot seeking love, true love, but since they hear the same lines over and over, and just feed the liens to the men
They can never fill the voids within themselves
so, she finds this, and basically, is the Sage of the Sirens, and lets them knwo to what they are really lookign for, what they need
and the age long curse of Siren blood is broken, they are free women, and not so cold hearted etc
happily ever after, yada yada yada
First and Last, and she will be so and so OF somewhere. I dont know where the somewhere is yet though...
The pieces of the book come to me slowly, often is i see names, i just find one that fits.
I need a name for her mother, and the other siren, all have to be unusual. The guys name is normal, and i will choose it.
T/y for any help.
~Silver of Ryuchia (the character of my 3rd book)
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To Sue, and a list of Unique names  ·  Silver  ·  12/6/2001, 11:47 PM