Tell me if you get tired of these! :)
DW: Favorite color:
Red, orange: three syllable fn and mn, Italian
Yellow, green: fn starts with G and has a y in it, mn is traditional English
Blue, violet: fn plant name (NOT a flower), mn ends in –a
DH: You want a house with:
One story: no mn, traditional fn starting with A
Two stories: two mns, initials A R W
Apartment: one syllable fn and mn
Other: four-syllable fn, mn of a king (any country)
10-year-old: You prefer
Kaitlin spelt:
Caitlin: g/g twins, Irish or Welsh fn, mn meaning old or traditional
Katelyn: b/g twins, trendy fn (must be spelt with a y for both), two-syllable mn
Katlin: girl, mn word name (not word name), mn virtue name
Kaitlynn: boy, fn from myth (any country, again), mn related to color
9-year-old: You prefer the:
Dictionary: boy, mn and fn mean same thing
Thesaurus: b/b twins, names same meaning (both mn and fn)
Encyclopedia: g/b twins, history mns, fn two-syllable
6-year-old: Your favorite season:
Spring: b/b twins, fn meaning new, mn meaning either green or early
Summer: g/b twins, word names (neither virtue or flower names, though!)
Fall: boy, initials G R K
Winter: girl, named for season, month, or day of week (both fn and mn!)
3-year-old: You live in the:
Northern hemisphere: twins, b/b, Irish, English, Welsh, or Gaelic names
Southern hemisphere: Girl, Spanish name (fn and mn!)
Eastern hemisphere: Girl, fn or mn Oriental name
Western hemisphere: Boy, named for a movie star
(You get two( or more) kids)
Newborn: You attend:
High school (grades 9-12): Girl, three-syllable name w/ nn, initials AF (nn any initial)
College (or uni, etc): Boy, fn a school, mn you choose
Junior high (grades 7-8): no newborn
Out of school: g/b/g triplets, themed names, mn for teachers you had
Homeschool: g/b twins, two-syllable fn, modern English mn