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[Facts] What does it mean?
Hello, My first name is Treva, and my middle name is Eli'son. I'm a 16 year old Female in Cali. The only other person I have heard of having my name is my grandmother. I would really like to the the meaning of both my first and middle names. If you could please help I would appreciate it alot!Treva
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Eli'son a variant of Alison?!
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or maybe as simple as Eli's son?
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oppz, i also meant to add maybe a variation on Eliza, which ive seen spelt as Elisa but pronounced with a 'z'
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or maybe it's just something wacky that was made up?!
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as for your first name...I've heard Treva sevral times before, I'm surprised you haven't.
It is used as a female variation of Trevor.
I've seen it spelt Trevah, Trava, Travah and Trefva. I have only seen Trefva once.TREVOR (m) From a surname which was originally from a place name meaning "big village" from Welsh tref "village" and mawr "large".Since Treva only has the 'tref' in it, perhaps it only means 'village' instead of 'big village'.
I hope this helped :)~Silver
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