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[Facts] names missing in data base
ALICJA - Polish form of Alice fALA - Polish pet form of Alicja fJOASIA - Polish pet form of Joanna fASIA - Polish shortened form of Joasia fMALGOSIA - Polish pet form of Malgorzata fGOSIA - Polish shortened form of Malgosia fOLIWIA - Polish form of Olivia fOLA - Polish feminine pet form of Aleksandra fOLEK - Polish masculine pet form of Aleksander mELA - Polish pet form of Elzbieta fIZA - Polish pet form of Izabela fJAGODA - f "berry" (Polish) f(I was bored and all of these are missing - I would appreciate it if you added them sometime, thanks!)
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names missing in data base  ·  Agata  ·  4/25/2002, 6:52 PM
Re: names missing in data base  ·  dona olsen  ·  12/25/2003, 3:21 PM
and...  ·  Agata  ·  4/26/2002, 5:50 PM
oops....  ·  Agata  ·  4/25/2002, 6:53 PM