I know people are starting to get tired of all of the usual games, so here's a new one. I've played on other message boards & people really seem to enjoy it, so I'll start one here. Here's how it goes:
You answer a few questions, and I will begin to create your family. Each day (or every few days depending on how many people respond) there will be a birth announcement for your family. I will post the announcement & a list of names that you can use. You then respond to the birth announcement using those names until your entire family is complete. Here's an example:
(Round 1) Diamante04: Congratulations to Jennifer & Nathan on the arrival of their first child--a healthy baby girl!
Names You Can Use...
Alexandra, Ava, Elisabeth, Grace, Hannah, Isabella, Kathryn, Mackenzie, Rose, Victoria, Zoe
I would then respond to the post like this (or something like this...you can change the words to make your own announcement):
Nathan & I are delighted to announce the arrival of our first child. Our little princess Ava Elisabeth made her appearance on May 1st at 1:01 AM, weighing 6 pounds, 3 ounces; 18 1/2 inches long.
The next round would look like this:
(Round 2) Diamante04: Jennifer, Nathan, & Ava Elisabeth are proud to welcome a healthy baby boy into their family.
So on & so forth. Each round, you will have another child(ren) added to your family until all the rounds are over...So who wants to play???? I will give everyone until Wednesday to respond--the first round will be posted Wednesday night.
Significant Other's Name:
Number of Rounds You Want to Play (1-10):
Do You Want Multiples: