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[Facts] Zeyde, Rifka, Frusileh, Rueben, Zeeb, and Lotkeh
Zeyde - Jewish name.Rifka - Jewish girl's name.Frusileh - No idea.Rueben - Form of Reuben?Zeeb - No idea.Lotkeh - No idea.Any ideas?
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Hi Lissa,
some ideas:
Zeyde – looks like a form of Arabic Zaide (growing, abundance)Rifka – via Rivka <- Ribhgá <- Ribeqah a form of Hebrew Ribegãh which is the original form of RebeccaFrusileh - ?Rueben - Form of Reuben?Zeeb – male: short for Hebrew Zebulon: elevation or passion. Female: short for Greek Zenobia: related to the god ZeusLotkeh - ? without the h it looks like a Frisian form of the Old German name LotharNicoletti – looks like a form of Nicoletta.Satu
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RifkaRifka is actually RIVKA, which is the Hebrew form of REBECCA.
(the V is often pronounced like an F, mainly by Jews from east-europian origins)Zeeb - if it's also Jewish, it might be Ze'ev (Ze-EV), a male name meaning "wolf".
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I'm open to correction here, but I think that Zeyde (or Zaide, etc) is Yiddish for Gramps.
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Also.....Nicoletti - Male name.
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