[Facts] Re: Prononciation and stresses in French
Hi I'm French as well :)Just to precise something : the combination "oe" without "u" normally makes "eh", not "uh". For example Phœbé and Œdipe, or the words "œnologie" or "stœchiométrique". But many french speakers are mistaken and pronounce it "uh"...Anyway, this is just a detail. :pAndria.
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Prononciation and stresses in French  ·  Miss Claire  ·  4/4/2005, 6:26 AM
Re: Prononciation and stresses in French  ·  Elinor  ·  4/6/2005, 7:56 AM
Re: Prononciation and stresses in French  ·  Elena  ·  4/4/2005, 9:39 PM
Re: Prononciation and stresses in French  ·  Andria  ·  4/4/2005, 9:17 AM
Re: Prononciation and stresses in French  ·  Miss Claire  ·  4/4/2005, 9:20 AM